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Everything posted by Hell-Razor

  1. Hell-Razor

    Is this possible?

    You know what KU40, that makes a lot of sense.
  2. Hell-Razor

    Is this possible?

    This made me smile if its truthful. I hope to be able to break 110 dB once I get both of my amps strapped to my 15. But still, is it most likely his in car speakers doing that? Or is it his sub?
  3. Hell-Razor

    Is this possible?

    Is it a no no to tune below what they recommend? I think the 15" BTL is rated for 30-35hz tuning. If I tuned mine to say, 28hz would I be doing something I shouldn't? (Just a thought) I want to be doing dB / bass races (is there a difference?) eventually with this car. I will probably start... eh towards winter and head around a few states close to Wisconsin. I know Chicago has a bunch of them but then you go against the big dogs there (and yes I understand there are categories). I want to turn heads with this sub (sound good) but I also want to be able to do decent on the single sub single amp category. Are these two different thing though? Quality vs good competition status?
  4. Hell-Razor

    Is this possible?

    Basshead -- I checked out your Box Tuning Calculator, its pretty sweet i will definitely use it in my build! Except I don't think I am going to make mine the average box so to speak, I am thinking more of a L shaped box with the woofer facing up and towards the driver and the magnet facing out of the box and down towards the street at about a 45 degree angle. I hope I can still use this calculator... And what does tuning the box say to 30hz vs 40 hz... or 20hz vs 30hz? Is one "louder" than the other? Or is one more SPL vs Daily? I don't know I am still trying to learn about all this stuff. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Hell-Razor

    Is this possible?

    So technically its all about the box?
  6. Hell-Razor

    Is this possible?

    If its easy to hit well over 140 dB then why are there only like state records and national records of 160dB? Also, how is the install everything (or 50/50 in Earsplitter's terms)?
  7. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    Alright lets see here, just a quick overview of what I am going to get to make sure I didnt screw up -- Amp - Sundown SAZ-2000D - http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/store/p...%252dorder.html Amp Kit - Fuse 300A - http://www.knukonceptz.com/productDetail.cfm?prodID=KFX-PK0 Sub - Fi BTL 15" - https://ssl.perfora.net/www.ficaraudio.com/...view.shopscript Big 3 Wiring - http://www.knukonceptz.com/productDetail.cfm?prodID=KFX0BK Should I get more of this to help me daisy chain my batteries together? I am looking to get 8 feet as of now... Battery - Dont know the name but it has 1125 Crank Amps, should be enough (I hope) The only thing I am missing is a deck. I need a good deck with an awesome equalizer... Any suggestions?
  8. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    You read my mind, I just got on to ask what fuse I would need. Ordering process should start...next week =)
  9. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    Do I have to buy special connectors? Should I get one of those fuse boxes that allow you to easily (or so it looks) connect several lines to one terminal?
  10. Hell-Razor

    bass off competiton

    Good luck, I am curious on how well it will go. Post your results and what you may have done better / different. I am in the same boat, I am hoping to jump into these competitions with a single woofer (still determining size based off of my budget).
  11. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    For an amp install kit I was looking at either of these - http://www.knukonceptz.com/productDetail.cfm?prodID=KFX-PK0 http://www.knukonceptz.com/productDetail.cfm?prodID=KLM-AK0 Are these what you guys are talking about when you install the big 3? http://www.knukonceptz.com/productMaster.c...ry=Power%20Wire
  12. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    0 gauge wire for the big 3? Or 0 gauge wire for connecting to my amp? I am still not quite sure what to use for that...
  13. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    Where would I buy these lines?
  14. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    Oh thats it?! I thought it was something like a three different type of batteries linked together
  15. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    Could somebody also explain what the big 3 is? I have been reading up on it but it doesn't say what it is exactly...
  16. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    Alright. It looks like I am going to have a very hard time getting a 18" to fit in my trunk. The killer isnt the width or length, its the height. So I may be backing down to the 15". It says on the website that the RMS is 2000 watts, same with the 18". Can it still handle the power if I were to get a Sundown SAZ-3500D Or 3000D? Or would it just be easier to get one SAZ-2000D and if I want more strap another amp on. If I were to go the single amp idea, would I get a 2 or 1 ohm sub? I would think if I got 1 ohm and I wanted to strap another onto it I would get more bang for the buck because it would then cut it to under 1 ohm and double the power... but this is out of my knowledge.
  17. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    I found a group 31 battery at a battery store by my house. It has like 1125 crank amps (I think.... crank something) and is like 150$ give or take. Would two of these do the trick for a 18" or one for a 15" and keep my old battery? I am just wondering what kind of crank [amps?] I would need and whatnot. It is a deep cycle battery he said and is made very well. I am not trying to out think you guys or anything like it. If you give me a minimum for numbers Ill try to go above and beyond when it comes to specs.
  18. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    I'm going to be working hard on it. And I agree I don't want to throw as much power as I can into it (yet). And I don't have that much money. I keep on having to spend it for personal reasons. My budget is still around 2 grand though. I was going to get two 31 group batteries (that's like 800), a SAZ-3000D it sounds like is good to power (900), the BTL 18" (if it fits, another 500). Shit already over my limit. Well see though what I can do to work my magic...
  19. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    BTL. Mind changed.... And if it can support more, about how much more? Would I want to be throwing 4k watts at it (Thats what two of the amps bridged would do...)
  20. Hell-Razor

    General Questions

    Alright a couple of questions here... 1) I looked on Fi's website about the RMS needed for the 18" and the 15" woofer and it seems they both require 2000rms watts total. So why wouldnt a signle SAZ-2000D be enough for the 18"? My understand that this amp is enough for the 15". Right now it looks like if I have room I will get the 18" with a single SAZ-2000D amp and if I need more power (sounds like I will from other posts) I will get a second one when I can. 2) I was looking at the dB race's website and I see a section for 10", 12", 15" but not 18". If I were to get a 18" would I be disqualified / tossed into the custom class and be gonig against people who have too much money to throw into car systems? (kidding) 3) What would you guys recommend for gauge wire and from whom should I get it from? (online) Anyway I am going to start posting pictures on the website for my box. I have a few designs about the same cubft just in different shapes / designs and one is fiberglassed (shiney jet black) and the other is natural wood.
  21. Hell-Razor

    18" BTL Response Time

    Doh. I read that page like 10000 times but always missed it.
  22. Hell-Razor

    18" BTL Response Time

    Alright I just thought of a quick question. How is the BTL 18" response time? Is it so bad that all I could listen to is rap / bass cds? I know that 10" will have a better response time than 18" but by how much? I enjoy listening to bass heavy songs but not all the time. Same with rap, I enjoy listening to it but not all the time. I enjoy some d n b, some metal, some punk, some speed / grindcore and some other generas.
  23. Hell-Razor

    What to do, and how to do it

    I kind of started a post in the wrong area for BTL box questions. But I am looking at getting a 15" BTL sometime soon. I do have somewhat limited trunk space though (40x40x20). I would like maybe a little of extra room in the trunk for putting somethings (ie bags, books, backpacks, skating equipment etc). Can it be done to get the same boom / sound quality with a smaller box? I know on my other post, somebody said it was possible to make a little smaller box with biger ports to even the difference out. But how far can you take it? Like (I know you couldnt but...) making a box that only acted as a brace for the sub and maybe have some sort of diminishing cone around the sub. Like a silinder with one side a small opening and the other big enough to mount the sub into. So that way it would be able to build some pressure. Then have that silinder pointing towards the street at a 45 degree angle (sub inverted) kind of towards the driver. Then dont put on a left or right side (ports) but a bottom and top... The main reason why I went down to the 15" from the 18" is because I believe I dont have the space for it. Maybe once I get everything upgraded in my car I will sell my 15" and go for a 18" if I am not doing the umph I want. Thanks for all your guys help, I know I am not the best at things but thanks for working with me. I am not trying to argue with anybody but I am just throwing ideas tht pop into my mind out there. Maybe one of them is worth a shot?
  24. Hell-Razor

    What to do, and how to do it

    Is it hard to tune the box if its external ports? Or even possible? I would like trunk space for things. I am kind of a clean freak and when it comes to out of sight out of mind I am completely for it. How is something like 25x35x15 ( L W H ). Will come out to about 7.56 cubic feet. Not including bracing and everything for the sub. Should bring it down to about 6.5-7. I know this is within the range but would you guys recommend more of a "box" shape than say a triangle or a rectangle? I am leaning more towards the 18" now (I know I was talked down but my mind got the best of me). Then getting a good amp to power it decently until I can get another and bridge it.
  25. Hell-Razor

    What to do, and how to do it

    Thats awesome news! Well it means I wasted an hour and a half drawing up a design but hell thats alright. It means that I can have some of my trunk space. I need to go read up more (obviously) but whats the maximum cubic feet? I know reading the thing it says 5-8. Does that mean the max is 8 or the ideal is 8? and the ideal smaller is 5?