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About magicman

  • Rank
  1. magicman

    Small S10 build

    what program is that? That u used for the box thanks
  2. magicman

    SAZ-4500D Pre-Sale

    any info yet bro
  3. magicman

    need some advice

    so what is the airspace for the 18s, and the airspace for the 15s, and i guess tomorrow i can measure what i can give up and go from there.
  4. magicman

    need some advice

    this is what i have in mind so far, either 4 18s, or 4 15s in a big ported box .4 subs facing up and a big slot port in the rear, where the hatch is at
  5. magicman

    need some advice

    i know what your saying bout cone area So what exactly is your question? Are you trying to decide between 15s or 18s? yeah what would you reccomend, i want it loud i want people to not be able to sit in this ride when listning to music.i want to be at a stop light and people can actually feel vibrations from my ride.
  6. magicman

    need some advice

    Yeah, cops AND crooks. Gotta bump respectively sometimes. yep i have an autopage 727 alarm on it, and i plan on securing everything bolted down to the best that i can
  7. magicman

    need some advice

    i know what your saying bout cone area
  8. magicman

    need some advice

    i have a 99 explorer 2 dr sport, right now i have a nightshade 18"D2 sub in 6^ft box after port sub displacement i have about 120" of port the box is tuned around 35hz. I have a SAZ3500D i am going to redo my system and talked with a buddy, he tells me ditch the 18 and get 4 15"D2 nightshades and 4 1500Ds, and take back seat out and build a big ass enclosure for the 4 15s. I dont have a problem doing that but i wanna make sure its what im looking for ,i want to be able to cruise around town and bump and let people hear me before they see me, and feel me when they see me. I told him i would rather do 4 18 nightshade and he said no you need 15s would move more cone area and sound a lot better, hes been doing this for 9 years iv been in and out for like 3 yrs. So what would you reccomend i am staying sundown and Ascendant audio only, let me get some input from the pros thanks.
  9. magicman

    SA-10 and SA-15 Factory Pictures

    by when should we be able to order them im ready to order some 10s and 15s got the sa12s already
  10. magicman

    SA-10 and SA-15 Factory Pictures

    damn the 10s look like a beast
  11. magicman

    box help

    i made a box using RE box builder and this is what i cam up with i am putting a 18" night shade in it how much air space do i have and whats it tuned at i think iKnow but wanna double check with you guys first W=36 H= 22 TD= 24 Bd= 24 1"MDF port 1= 6" port 2= 4"
  12. magicman

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order v.2

    so no new 0awg cable first the alternator u think
  13. magicman

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order v.2

    so i would need 0awg gauge amp kit and about how many batteries for 1 ohm operation so it wont cut out and a ho alternator anybody used the ones on ebay