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About clifff150

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  1. clifff150

    So many brands, Which battery is preferred?

    I like the X2 Power from Batteries Plus. It’s a rebadged Northstar with more warranty and a tad cheaper price tag. My last one lasted me over 8 years in Southeast Texas heat.
  2. clifff150

    Audio Legion

    I’ve been told from multiple people that their warranty service was a joke and they’d do all they could to blame the consumer for the issue. I purchased an AL2500 due to the $230 price tag. Figured even if it needs repair down the road, it’s worth it for a 2500 Korean board.
  3. clifff150

    Audio Legion

    I’m curious if anyone can fill me in on what’s going on with AL? I know SSA and DroppinHZ used to sell them but now I can’t find any online dealers. I’ve been told they are ghosting their dealers right now and it appears they are liquidating some products on their site. When they first came out everyone said they had great CS and then I started hearing of warranty horror stories. Wonder if shady practices did them in?
  4. clifff150

    New System

    The amp puts outs out rated. I’d definitely have a HO alt, AGM up front and AGM near amp unless you wanna go lithium
  5. clifff150

    Icon Amps?

    Nice. Digging the new demon line up
  6. clifff150

    Icon Amps?

    Power. Like 2k+
  7. clifff150

    Icon Amps?

    Understand 100%. Forum boners are a b. Yalls products have been very solid from the start and I always recommend them. Think y’all would bring the demon lineup into the IC range?
  8. clifff150

    Icon Amps?

    Yeah I was searching an IC2200. I have an Icon 12 I’ll be using soon. I was looking at the Ampere 2000 but I may go with the IA 15.1 as my long term goal is .5 ohm once I get all the electrical in place. Sure wish they’d bring back the black and blue sale. I loved spending my money on that lol
  9. clifff150

    Icon Amps?

    I’m just curious as I’ve always wanted an IC-2200.1. Are the Icon amps going to be coming back? I see the Demon amps are available now and share the same build as the US Acoustics.
  10. I just saw this notification. I honestly don’t have any experience with the AVH series but my guess is it’s pretty solid.
  11. I honestly think Kenwood has the best offerings currently. I think wireless Apple CarPlay is sweet and worth the premium (my wife loves it). If you don’t want wireless CarPlay/Android Auto then I would get the Kenwood Excelon DMX706s. If so, I’d jump to the 907s or 8906s
  12. clifff150

    US Acoustics Sale?

    Mike came in fast! Man, this is one sexy amp. I absolutely love the look and can’t wait to show it off next to the SSA Icon. Now I gotta decide if I want the Barbara Ann to match and show off as well.
  13. clifff150

    SSA Demon vs IDQ10v4 vs JL 10w3

    Yes I can unseal it. I had 2 Sundown E 10’s in there first (ported). It got really loud but was too boomy and couldn’t hit the lower notes like I wanted, not to mention the port was chuffing like crazy. It all depends on tastes. If you just want loud then that box will work for you. I want more of an accurate setup that blends and can get loud if I want. I do not think those IDQ’s will work well in that box ported. They like volume and the IDQ is a musical woofer. Check out the SSA truck build. 3 F8L’s ported underseat firing forward. Looks awesome.
  14. clifff150

    SSA Demon vs IDQ10v4 vs JL 10w3

    That’s actually the box I have. I did not try them ported (I sealed it up) because I don’t think it’s enough air space to port them and regardless what he has listed as the port tuning, there’s no way it’s 36 hz and not near enough port volume.
  15. clifff150

    SSA Demon vs IDQ10v4 vs JL 10w3

    I have them in a downfire sealed box under my rear seat (F-150) that’s just over 2 cubes after displacement. Powered by a JBL GTR-1000. Don’t get me wrong, I like the setup but i just want more output. My box isn’t ideal though so I’ll be switching to a single SSA Icon 12 firing forward on a US Acoustics Mike ported to hopefully 30ish hz