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Everything posted by steveo50

  1. steveo50

    single 12 death row

    damn got some nice electrical there; that is what i need to work on. when you say durant do you mean durant florida?
  2. steveo50

    single 12 death row

    congrats to you as well!
  3. steveo50

    a little flex for ya

    one more little video from a local car show. i call it dancing cd
  4. steveo50

    single 12 death row

    Yes sir I did!
  5. steveo50

    3 21dp's in a tahoe

    You going to cover them with wood or just leave as is
  6. steveo50

    3 21dp's in a tahoe

    Sweet! Yea I wana see what you do with the batts.
  7. steveo50

    Sixdogs1 12 8" Sundowns Check it.

    very cool vid!!
  8. steveo50

    IA 187, hows the midbass?

    Just put the 187 in a sealed box.I think your going for more of a sq set up
  9. You prob won't hear a diff just stronger electrical. More power to the amp and stuff, but I'm not sure that's just what I would think.
  10. steveo50

    FI Return Policy?

    its to loud it hurts his ears! just messing
  11. steveo50

    incriminator 6.5' components

    I have them running off a 2chn american pro amp its a crap amp from back in the day. Its like maybe 300 watts but I have it turned down all the way. Yea I need to get the deadning real bad! But at burko I I think of bright as like a harshness. The definition kinda differs person to person I guess.
  12. No I'm not disagreeing with the guy flipping ppl off. I had to appear for court and he was the judge he is a jerk regardless of the middle finger guy.
  13. Yea that judge is a dick...
  14. My friend has a audiobaun htc1300 amp. He will sell me for 20 bucks. Only thing the inputs are ripped out. So I was going to get it refurbished. Good idea bad?
  15. steveo50

    Order MIx-up.

    when you find that out you will no longer be....... NOOBIE!
  16. geez 200 bucks for aluminum! i need to start selling my beer cans!
  17. steveo50

    Order MIx-up.

    this is the best forum! end of story...welcome!
  18. steveo50

    lethal injection 12 vs vvx12 ?

    iv never liked sundown subs no reason just don't appeal to me.
  19. steveo50

    lethal injection 12 vs vvx12 ?

    I like to use subs that most people don't know of. So when they do hear it and are impressed I tell em its a wal mart special.
  20. steveo50

    Incriminator Audio I Series now on the SSA Store!

    i own a set. i have never heard any rainbow products so i cant say. compared to some i have heard. kicker-to harsh but not bad(comps) Memphis- pretty much comparable (not sure if comps or coax) zeus- way to harsh like not even fun and noooo mid bass(comps) thats pretty much all i can compare them to. i have not heard many others in depth.
  21. steveo50

    1999 Tahoe SAE1200 on 2 12" Fi Q's

    throwing some 24s on there would be nasty!
  22. steveo50

    1999 Tahoe SAE1200 on 2 12" Fi Q's

    I love those older tahoes!
  23. steveo50

    So my car got stolen..

    Yea polk county is pretty bad. I don't like to go out there...at all
  24. steveo50

    What sub works BEST in small enclosures?

    suv! son you will be very happy with that! explorer or something.