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Status Updates posted by KyleBrown

  1. I'm ready for friday! I'll have my bass back. Louder than ever too

  2. I'm sick of cry babies..... If you want a pity party, I AM NOT THE PERSON TO TALK TO...

  3. If anyone knows someone who car repair amplifiers within 3hrs of my location let me know please.

  4. if you don't understand the rotation at a four way stop, you don't need to be driving.

    1. mathewdylang


      I almost got t boned by a 16yr old girl texting at a 4 way last night... the guy across from me turned first, I was suppose to go second and she started accelerating as I was half way across. didnt even look up. I stopped and she freaked out... good times.

  5. In the drive through "excuse me sir, can YOU PLEASE TURN YOUR CAR OFF" :-)

  6. Is it just me or do some people get crazier as time goes on? Almost friday

  7. It feels sooooooo good sleeping into the afternoon noon. I need more weekends

  8. It really passes me off when people mess with my shit. If you don't know what it is, don't touch it.

  9. It's amazing to watch people repeat the same dumb mistakes over and over. Don't publicize it or at least change crews lol. I can say at least my repeated mistakes are different situations, if that makes sense. Failure will not become me.

  10. It's Friday, don't post depressing shit. In other news, people are going full retard on my way through Louisiana... Brake hard going down a bridge, dropping to 50mph, block everyone in. Then hual ass to 80...

  11. its bad when you can spend almost 3 hours digging for batteries online. Ballin on a budget! 150.5 @ 30hz will happen

  12. Its sad when you try to help people out, and all they do is fuck you over..... Maybe I should I blast the three people I'm currently pissed off at. All you need is a simple response... After a few texts and emails, I got the hint I was not going to get a response.... I'll tell you what though... This shit will come back around full swing and you'll want me in your corner again... Y'all have two more weeks then I start blasting shit over this great network :)

  13. Just Because you have a handicapped sticker/license plate, doesn't give you the excuse to drive like you're mentally handicapped ;-) tome to walk in this bish and do a desk pop

  14. Just got done watching the dived... Needs more back story or something. Not a bad movie though.

  15. Just had a pay day, but why do I still feel poor, ;-)

  16. Lol, you're gonna text me from your girlfriend's number and talk shit to me. Now that's funny. Pretty weak. Must suck being a jealous insecure dipshit. Yes, I know you can read this from her profile ;-)

  17. Losing the flip flop tan line on my feet :-(

  18. Man. I just want to sleep allllll day. Gotta try to clean the cluster funk off the rear deck of my car. Wash it, vacuum.

  19. Metallica-Harvester of sorrow, thank you pandora, now I'm going to go on a face punching spree.

  20. Might be getting some new sessy moofaz. Not quite what I want. But they'll do.

  21. Mmmm, sunnyD. Time to go back to sleep.

  22. Mmmmmm that burger was tasssttyyyyy mmmm.

  23. Monday...... Hmm..??.?

  24. More cowbell will set you free

  25. New amps getting ordered :) Will have them by the middle of next month. Stepping up my game.
