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Everything posted by Bumpin300

  1. Bumpin300

    12" and 15" subwoofer blowout

    what are the sealed box requirements for the 15" driver? Thanks
  2. Every wiring diagram that I have found does not include dual 1 ohm drivers. I am curoius what the ohm load would be for 3 dual 1 ohm drivers wired in series/parallel. I know it will be somewhere between 1.0 and 0.5 ohms. Thanks
  3. Bumpin300

    ***** SPL 12 Pre-Order *****

    For those that have tested these, how do they stack up against a digital designs 3512d in SQ and SPL (on aprox 2500 wrms). Thanks
  4. Bumpin300

    Sub Collection for Sale

    never mind as i can not port this driver properly.
  5. Bumpin300

    ***** SPL 12 Pre-Order *****

    How do these drivers respond to lower tuning? 52 hz is a little high for daily listening (as is 3.5 cf for a 12" sub).
  6. Bumpin300

    ***** SPL 12 Pre-Order *****

    3.5 cf tuned high. What exactly is tuned high 35, 38, 40, 45? also the coils are D2, but is that nominal or DCR? thanks
  7. When using the online port length calculator, http://www.carstereo.com/help2/Articles.cfm?id=31 , when it says to input the internal cf of my box do i use the gross - bracing - driver displacement or do I use gross - bracing - driver displacement - estimated port displacement? IE i have 5.2 cf gross internel volume. I will have about 4.6-4.7 after bracing and woofer displacement. Should I use 4.6 as my internal cf or should I use 4.0 cf as I am estimating the port will take up .6-.7 cf? btw the port size is 19x3. Thanks very much
  8. Hello, I have a box designed and it currently has 4.6 cubic feet net internal volume after wall thickness/drivers/bracing. I would like to port this box and the port face is 13.5hx4w. What length would the port need to be to tune the box to 33hz and 35hz? Also what would the lenght need to be if the port face was 13.5hx4.5w? Thanks
  9. Bumpin300

    need some help with port length

    ok so i went to that page and I am trying to solve for dv as you must solve dv seperately when you have a slot port. but I am stumped on what the ^0.5 means in the equation - Dv' = 2*((W*H)/pi)^0.5 thanks
  10. Bumpin300

    HiT dEM LoWS!

    yeah that is the disk I am staring at right now enjoy
  11. Bumpin300

    HiT dEM LoWS!

    I am glad you found the website Another personal favourite is the Beethoven album with "Piano Sonata #14." It is not a bass track, but it is so beautiful on decent mids/tweets. Most would recognise this song as "Moonlight Sonata."
  12. Bumpin300

    HiT dEM LoWS!

    Ok The one RIckRolled is refering to is Tchaikovsky 1812 by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, recorded by Telarc. The one I was refering to is The Great Fantasy Adventure Album, recorded by Telarc. Both come with warnings about content. The 1812 says the cannons are recorded at extremely high levels and the Fantasy album says bass notes go as low as 5 hz!!!! The Fantasy album is also on a limited edition 24K gold disk.
  13. Bumpin300

    HiT dEM LoWS!

    RIckRolled is talking about one and I mentioned a second disk. I will get the exact names when I get home from work. The titles will be close to what is already mentioned, the 1812 overture by Tchaikovsky and Fantasy. Telarc records and mixes them on gold disks to be the absolute best sound quality recordings available.
  14. Bumpin300

    HiT dEM LoWS!

    Telarc's 1812 Overture goes lower than any of the ones you listed... That disk is sick. I bought that when I was competing in SQ a few years ago. Also the Telarc disk Fantasy has some bass that is so low you don't even hear it but your car shakes. It has the t-rex tremor footsteps from Jurassic Park, then when you least expect it BAM a t-rex roar to freak you out. quite cool actually. Gold disks FTW!
  15. Bumpin300

    Which would you rather have?

    Hi Everybody, The speakers would be running off ~ 2400 watts in the trunk of a chrysler 300c. If you would give your reasons for your choice that would be appreciated. Thanks
  16. Bumpin300

    Fi X availability

    ok for all the new people, what is a Fi X series?
  17. Bumpin300

    how long is the response time?

    Hi tech guys, I sent an email to shawn almost a month ago asking for information and I have not yet received any response. I saw the post in the stickies so I did not send it to the order line I sent it to the non sales related email. I did send an email last week to the sales email address and still have not heard anything about that one either. I have heard the customer service from Fi is top notch and I know you are all really busy, but I am not feeling the love Anyway I hope to hear for somebody Thanks
  18. Bumpin300

    how long is the response time?

    will do nick. thanks. email sent
  19. Bumpin300

    Fi vs RE

    Hi again, I have been doing a lot more online research and I have been busy triple checking my available space in my trunk and I have come down to 2 choices for my set up. The car is a 05 chrysler 300c and I have a new Digital Designs M3 for a sub amp (2700 wrms @ 1 ohm). The space that I have available is 5.2 cubic feet after 3/4 mdf displacement but not subs or port. I am trying to decide between an 07 15" XXX in the optimal box 4.0 @ 33 hz with a port face of 54" or 2x sealed 15" Q's in about 2.3 cubes each after displacement/bracing. Which set up will play lower? Which will play louder? I am confident that both will have great SQ as I will be listening to a wide range of music (read rock - rap - techno - opera) All of which have low end bass that needs to be reproduced. I know this is a FI site, but the FI designer also made the XXX so I figured it was the best place to ask Thanks
  20. Bumpin300

    What voice coil configurations do you look for?

    Usually D2. However my new amp is 1 ohm stable from the factory and 0.5 ohm stable from the "field" so I would like to try D1.5 to run my amp at 0.75 ohms.
  21. Bumpin300

    Fi vs RE

    Thanks for the replies everybody. Please keep them coming There seems to be a lot of concern with cost. I understand that the difference on paper looks vast, however, I live in Canada so I will have to pay for shipping, brokerage, customs, taxes, etc so the difference in price is not that great. Are there any other opinions out there that do not consider cost? Thanks very much
  22. Bumpin300

    Need a little help

    Hello, I am new to these forums and to Fi, but not the car audio scene. I am looking for some help with my particular set up as I do not know much about Fi. I have read many good things about the product and have read most of the articles in these forums, however, I find myself stuck on a difficult choice. First a little background is in order. I do prefer SQ over SPL. I have had many systems over the years, all with the primary goal of SQ with a little bumpin from time to time . My last car (a 97 cobra) sounded really great as I removed the rear seats to build my sub box. I had 3 12" JLw6's with a PPI PCX 2400 running them in a custom fiberglass sealed box. The subs got signal from a ppi frx456 x over and from an alpine 7969 headunit. The bass was really tight and had great extension. Fast forward a few years and I now have a different car a chrysler 300c (kids ya know). I wanted a little bump back in the car so I went out and got a pair of 10" JL w3v3's and put them in a sealed box with a PPI pcx 2200. To say I was dissappointed was an understatement. The bass was almost non existant compared to what I was used to but it was tight. I have never had to deal with such a large car and a truck car. I realized I needed some bigger guns so I went shopping again. I live in Vancouver, BC so some brands are not sold around me. I ended up finding a Digital Designs dealer and having done a little research about the company, bought a 3512 (in a slot port 2.25 cf @ 40hz) and an M2 amp (1700x1 @ 1 ohm). The result - the output was improved greatly, however, the bass sounded muddy and slightly off beat (i know i can fix the off beat with time correction. i have an 880prs). so now i have a louder car but not the tight, punchy bass I like. So I did a little more digging and found a lot of rave reviews about the Fi product line and now I must ask for some help. I am interested in the Q line as it sounds like what I am most after. I will be upgrading the M2 amp that I have to an M3 (2700x1 @1) very shortly so lack of power will not be an issue. I have room for 2x 12" Q's in 1.5 cf net sealed boxes or 1x 15" whatever in 3.5 cubes net @ 35hz. my delema is thus. which set up to go with? I like the tight bass of a sealed box but I am worried about output as this car I drive is large and has a well deadened trunk. I like the output of the ported box, but I do not like the muddy sound it creates (maybe that was a function of the driver as well?). Keep in mind that I do like to turn it up from time to time . So 2x12" sealed or 1x15" ported? Thanks in advance for your replies.
  23. Bumpin300

    Need a little help

    OK, I went to my local box builder and we worked out a box that is 5.02 ft^3 gross internal volume using 3/4 MDF. This does not include bracing/driver displacement/or port volume if used. So now knowing the limits of the space provided, how should I proceed? 2x12" ported? 2x 15" sealed?
  24. Bumpin300

    Need a little help

    Thanks for the replies. The space that I am willing to give up in my trunk is about 4.5 cubes gross internal volume. So that nets me a maximum net internal volume of about 3.5 with driver and port at 35hz. Not quite enough for the 2x 12" i think. If the Q 12's only need 1.2 cubes each sealed, what do you think about 2x Q 15" sealed in 4.1 cubes? Is the 15" musical at all? Is 4.1 cubes too small? Thanks