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Everything posted by coobies5

  1. coobies5

    NYC shots...

    i was there a year ago! i wish i had my camera by then, all i had was my cellphone though. that room with all the lights is pretty crazy huh?
  2. coobies5

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    the 14.2 means the actual 1/4 mile time right? bahahahahahaha, thats a great spot for the volt meter!
  3. coobies5

    New camera (Canon 40D)

    used too low of a aperture, but it looked great on the camera! hahahahaha
  4. coobies5

    got some Skars on the way

    welcome to ssa
  5. next time i'm going to try and be there for sure, been awhile since i seen all yall! and i'll take pictures too hahahaha.
  6. yeah, i'm not going to make it, but yall have fun and maybe next time i can make it out
  7. coobies5

    New camera (Canon 40D)

    lol make a new thread!
  8. i might not be making this. i'll know later this week though.
  9. coobies5

    New camera (Canon 40D)

    thank you cars and coffee, see if your nearby largest city has it or not, they go on every first saturday of any month all over the u.s.
  10. coobies5

    New camera (Canon 40D)

    Thank you sir!
  11. coobies5

    New(er) Toy, Sony Alpha A580

    Nice shots in here, but the first few, i would have focused in closer on the foreground, and some of the shots were blown out (lighting was way too bright). The second round of shots are leaps better! Keep up the good work and try different angles, get on the ground and shoot upwards, makes for a very dramatic shot.
  12. coobies5

    New camera (Canon 40D)

    it's all good, it's nice to hear about the "history" of photography and then compare it to newer technology. i don't think i have the patience to develop photo's though hahahaha.
  13. coobies5

    New camera (Canon 40D)

    old school FTW i really wish i could see what all is involved in processing film. i read a lot about it in a couple of photgraphy books, but it always ends up saying, since everything is digital now, just go take all the pictures you want! film costs $$$, where as digital is free.
  14. coobies5

    New camera (Canon 40D)

    lol, a one time occurrence. it was supposed to snow, but instead we got ice. that would be a awesome range for all around everyday lens. I've been using the kit 28-135mm lens on the 7d more so than the 18-55mm and the 50mm. but the 50mm is just so crisp and clear! Thank you sir, I've been slightly improving, but i'm still no amateur or anything, just more of a hobby right now. I'm hoping to go to another coffee and cars this weekend and get a lot of shot's if it isn't 110 degrees outside! what film slr's are you using?
  15. coobies5

    New camera (Canon 40D)

    damn! i've taken about 1k with the 7d since june. and thanks, so far i just adjust the levels and some vignetting with cs4 and i use lightroom every now and then.
  16. coobies5

    New camera (Canon 40D)

    thank you! and hahahahaha, I would like to actually. It comes with 2 batteries, charger, and some other misc. Has about 4k actuations on it.
  17. coobies5

    New camera (Canon 40D)

    going to bump this......i still have the 40d, but after i finished college up, i decided to treat myself and buy a 7D! (i love this camera!)
  18. coobies5

    Pink SSA t-shirts????

    I would gladly pick up a few shirts for breast cancer donations (see sig)
  19. x2 most newer cars have some modules that stay powered for 5 minutes to like a hour after you shut your car off.
  20. coobies5


    welcome to ssa
  21. coobies5

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    http://maps.google.com/maps?q=royal+purple+raceway&hl=en&ll=29.790228,-94.879775&spn=0.019553,0.042272&safe=off&t=h&z=15&vpsrc=6 thanks man. i imagine they have friday/saturday night races? yes sir! i want to say its like $20 to run all night and $10 to spectate.
  22. coobies5

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks
