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Posts posted by Kent535

  1. Im Putting This In My Current Box.

    9 Cu. Ft Tunned To 32 Hz..

    Taking Pics As I Go Along, Ill Post Them Up As Soon As I Get My Camera Back From My Girlfriend.

    No The 22" Screen Isnt Native To 12V So Ill run a power Inverter.

    *I Am Currently Putting In Bracing And Border For The Screen*

    Pics Up Soon:)

    Heres A Few Before I Started On The Screen Install





  2. Alright So I Decited I Wanted To Put A Built In Screen In My Box.

    I Was Wondering If The Magnetic Pull Of The Magnet Would Mess Up The Screen In Any Way?

    I Know Magnets Mess Up Cathode Ray Tv's (OLD STYLE)

    However The One Im Using Is A 22' LCD

    The BTL 15'' Barely Clears So Im Happy About That,

    I Just Wanted To Know About The Magnet Affecting The Screen?

  3. About 20 Min. ago i was reading a topic that someone had posted.

    I had to turn off the computer but i wanted to save the topic so that i could read it later.

    I Clicked the "watch topic" button and i thought i would be able to go under my profile and look at the watched topics or something like that but im not able to find anything that has that. Is there anyway for me to see the topics that i am watching?

    If not the topic was about howa guy called a local car audio shop to mess around with them and see what they really knew about car audio.

    And when he stated that he was running 3000 Watts RMS he said his lights were dimming. What could he do about that

    The Car audio dealer guy said something about capacitors and when the owner Said he has sundown Audio amps the store owner said "must not be a good brand"

    I Would like to find this topic again so that i can read it and have a good life.

    Thank you!
