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Posts posted by Kent535

  1. Next Set Of Pics !

    Got my roof deadened today.

    Before it sounded like a big piece of tin wobbling in the air,

    after the deadening was SUPER solid.

    A+ for Second Skin :drink40:

    Enough talk, on to the pics.


    Before i started tearing it down.


    Getting ready to come off.


    Bare roof.


    Had some glue stuff attached but was no problem when it came time for the deadening.


    Had about a 1 inch gap between the roof and the bracing/steel structure that attached to the roof :ohnoes9:


    Down to my last 2 boxes


    This stuff is bulletproof !


    Nice clean full box to start off with :fing34:


    First deadening sheet applied !!


    How it looked when finished. Doubled Everything up. Some spots had Triple where overlapping occurred.

  2. 2nd Batch Of pics, Of The material.

    Well.... Most Of It

    more pics of new material used in the build will be seen in future Pics :drink40:


    Quick Sketchup Of the Electrical. Dont think im planning on using the Solenoid Tho.


    General overview of the box setup







    Mr Bro and his GF


    5 Sheets Ready to Go




    Wanted to go with Birch but it was $45 a sheet :ohnoes9: And i needed 5..


    Basics to any build


  3. The 1987 Mustang Build Has Officially Has Begun !

    Will start the Actual Build tomorrow.

    Will be getting some help by My bro ElBlako (Member Here on SSA)

    And maybe a cutie ;)

    Will have pics up in a little bit of what i got today.

  4. That Happened To Mine as i was taking backing out the scews to take the sub out of my enclosure.

    Stupid regular screws

    Thats why i will only use the + cross phillips head ones now.


    Mine however was about half an inch big

    i uses Ultra Clear superglue and put it back to normal and smoothed everything out

    barely noticable !!

  5. I Have a fully loaded BTL 15" Running on an SAZ-3000D

    my question is will getting another one make that much more of a difference?

    since they will both be running off the same amp.

    Eventually i plan on getting another SAZ-3000D when money will allow

    but since i only have 1 3000D

    will sending 1200-1500 watts to each be louder than if i sent 2500-3000 watts to 1 ?

  6. I second Craigslist. eBay is OK, but they charge a seller fee. And a small listing fee if it doesn't sell.

    Ebay doesnt charge a fee if the listing does not sell.

    If it does a certain percentage of the selling price will be added to your "Monthly" listing fee

  7. Have Everything Set Up For The New install

    just need a design for the box

    Im looking for A design for 2 15's Dual chamber roughly 10-11 Cubes

    with measurements Around These...

    Height - 20"

    Depth - 26 "

    Width - 49"

    the design im leaning toward is subs facing towards the back of the seat with port underneath each sub.

    2 ports 1 for each chamber...

  8. Measurements For The Space I Have To Work With Are As Followed....

    Height - 20"

    Depth - 26"

    Width - 49"

    What do you guys think

    i used a box calculation program off a website and if i remember right its somewhere between 10-11 cubes before port and sub displacement.

    So i should be starting soon.

    Just need a Box design.

  9. Do not buy those! u will literally want to kill somebody... they are the worst terminals i've ever used in my life.. I could smack the guy who made them and thought they were good, i'm not lying.

    Piece of crap...

    I'd rather own some boss audio subs than to have had those.

    I Bought These For My Setup

    , Yet To Be Installed Tho

    They Seemed Good

    Whats Bad About Them? :(
