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Everything posted by brandonf

  1. brandonf

    1992 volvo 240 wagon build log

    Very nice/clean setup! Gotta love a Volvo with bass! Edit: Do you have anything holding down the back battery? It would suck to have it hit a ground :x
  2. brandonf

    2011 ms3

    new car!
  3. brandonf


    From the album: 2011 ms3

  4. brandonf


    From the album: 2011 ms3

  5. This weekend, I blew the head gasket in my 96 Volvo 850 GLT.. in a rather NASCAR-style way. I was cruising 45mph and suddenly smoke everywhere, completely filled the cabin of the car with windows down, and I could barely see the car behind me. I'm pretty sure it's the head gasket, sounds fine running it, but just tons of smoke pours out the exhaust. Anyway, I'm looking for a newer used car (2006'ish), somewhat sporty (~200hp+), preferably a manual (doesn't have to, but preferably). I have no clue what my credit is, however I recently paid off my credit cards to $0 (from about $5k total) and only had a couple monthly required payments, so my credit *should* be pretty good. I'll end up spending around $12k or so, up to $15k at the very most. My buddies have recommended a Subaru WRX or a VW GTI. Any other recommendations?
  6. brandonf

    Looking for a new car

    Here's the only pic I have at the moment:
  7. brandonf

    Looking for a new car

    I do have a dc alt that I never used and need to return/trade for a new one, and a loot of parts in my room. And if the khaotik enclosure fits in the back, it'll find its way in the car soon.
  8. brandonf

    Looking for a new car

    So I finally picked up a new car, 2011 mazdaspeed 3! It's a 6-speed manual hatchback, 2.3l turbo fwd w/ 263 hp Thanks for the help all, didn't even know about the mazdaspeed's before this thread.
  9. brandonf

    Will this work if I do this to my port?

    Google chris torres speaker box tuning calculator, all info from looking at the pic http://lmgtfy.com/?q=chris+torres+speaker+box+tuning+calculator
  10. brandonf

    Your Vote Needed!!! Final round!!

    voted as well.
  11. brandonf

    OT: server rack build

    Nice rack man! *pun intended* bassahaulic, i have an extra mobo, for an AMD processor though ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131292 ) - $125 (1/2 off and never used) :x
  12. brandonf

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    Oh man, I'm sooo happy it got there (and safely) after the run-around the post office gave me! Looks like I'll be throwing that BL in my trunk this weekend..
  13. brandonf

    Spam topics / posts

    at roughly 100 ip's a day, it would takes years to block them, unless you're doing cidr ranges anyway, work for a webhosting company, we come across this often. IP.board has decent internal spam controls that look for post flooding/login attempt fails/email harvesting and auto-blocks them. You may also want to put in some sort of Captcha to help block the new spam registrations.
  14. brandonf

    Sundown amp question

    No, I am the third owner of this amp, if he did it would clear up EVERYTHING. Ill try to get my hands on a woofer tomorrow and make sure that it is just the l.e.d Feel free to use the BL to test it, unless re-packaging it is a bitch
  15. brandonf

    SSA, Help me spend my xmas money!!!

    Who cares what other people think about those speakers, how does it sound to you? What kind of amp you have on them, where are they installed?
  16. I would go with a larger or second alt. That 3500 is definitely pulling more amps than your alt can supply. Edit: Forgot to ask.. do you have the big 3 done? *assumed you do, but wanted to make sure*
  17. Finally put the 12" xcon in my car (4ohm for now, but wow.).. and the loudspeaker cookbook came in today! :)

    1. jcarter1885


      You just reminded me I still need to purchase the cookbook.

  18. 'CCA is the maximum amperes that can be continuously removed from a battery for 30 seconds at 0°F before its voltage drops to unusable levels. A 550 CCA battery can supply 550 amperes for 30 seconds at 0°F. This was important back in the days when vehicles took a long time to start. Now if you put a charge to your starter for 30 seconds it would probably burn up, and it doesn't make any difference in car audio.' - Nathan @ XS Power But anyway, most of us have used Optima batteries in our setups, we just found better options available. : )
  19. brandonf

    Countless Laughs

    Hah, thanks. I had 20 mins to kill and this came in handy! Goofy animated gifs ftw.
  20. brandonf

    Quick question about square woofers

    Larger cone area, less efficient, and corners help cause distortion, but can have slightly higher output at low frequencies and can be better in limited space. Google ftw. "Being as how sound waves travel radially any other shape than round will be both less efficient and distorted."
  21. brandonf

    First SQ setup

    What we got out of this is.. you want to (correctly) set up your front stage. How about mounting locations, going active or passive 2way? Do you have room/able to make kick pods for the AA carbons? The more info the better, installation is > 90% of a good front stage.
  22. brandonf

    ZCON Prototype

    ^^ /drool
  23. brandonf

    Help a member out..

    Suspension-wise, i've had two large motorcycles in the back (although it did bottom out a couple times) weighing roughly 800 lbs and it was okay. All of the weight is in the front of the truck, it handles much better with something in the back. Like a box with a few subs?
  24. brandonf

    Help a member out..

    Suspension-wise, i've had two large motorcycles in the back (although it did bottom out a couple times) weighing roughly 800 lbs and it was okay. All of the weight is in the front of the truck, it handles much better with something in the back.
  25. brandonf

    Help a member out..

    What are your plans for the truck though? It's very small on the inside, roughly 7-8" total behind the seat with the seat ALL the way forward. The inside is all 'plasticky?" Without the radio in it, I can honestly use a garden hose to wash the inside of the truck. However, PLENTY of room under the hood to mount multiple batteries.. can probably fit 4+ large batts easily.