Hey guy, am putting together a system for my ride which is a 2003 dodge Dakota Ext. Cab. Am planning on running 2 12" sealed in a 2.5 cu.ft (Net) enclosure because am a big guy and I don't have the additional space to go ported. Am debating whether to go with the Incriminator Audio LI 12 or the Sundown SA-12. I will be running the Sundown SAX or SAZ 1200D amp. Am done with the Big 3 upgrade, and am using a UPS12-490MR battery to power my vehicle off of a stock alternator which is around 130 amp @ 3000 RPM, hopefully this will be enough to prevent dimming. I haven't had any subwoofer experience with any of the 2 brands mentioned but from what I have read, both drivers are great in ported applications. I can't seem to find much on sealed applications so am hoping that guys that have ran these woofers sealed would chime in. What am really looking to find out is which drive tends to performs better in a sealed application. Some drivers are design for both other designed for either or, but these 2 drivers say that there designed for both. Am not trying to get into a this driver verses that driver thread because I know that both are great drivers, period. All am simply wanting is some feedback on how these drivers perform in a sealed enclosure. If there are other quality drivers in the same price range ($150 - $190) @ 600 watts a piece, please feel free to share. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks