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About Verlaist

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  • Location
    Thief River Falls MN
  • Vehicle
    2002 Subaru Forester

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  1. Verlaist

    The B'more Bass Machine

    I moved to minnesota! Look at my lic plate
  2. Verlaist

    The B'more Bass Machine

    Wife is at Digi. Im at Northland. Are you in EGF?
  3. Verlaist

    The B'more Bass Machine

    Thief River
  4. Verlaist

    The B'more Bass Machine

    I am usually in 21227 or 21211. Nice at least its warm there.......
  5. Verlaist

    The B'more Bass Machine

    Hell yess! representing the 21206! all the way from NW Minnesota!
  6. Verlaist

    Digital Designs 2 9515's Box Power

    Looking at CT-Sounds 4000.1
  7. Verlaist

    Digital Designs 2 9515's Box Power

    Im thinking m4a
  8. I have a 2002 forester looking for a good starting place for box ideas for 2 9515's and what would be better power wise. M4, M4a, DC 5k?
  9. Verlaist

    Help with Box Design for (2) DD 2512c

    Could you msg me cutsheet?