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Status Updates posted by porkchop

  1. new singer hoa is here, 250A

    1. stevemead08
    2. mccleery3
    3. altoncustomtech


      Awesome, I'm looking at getting a 250A for the Jimmy...

  2. congrats to big stevemead !!!!!!!!!

    1. Sir-Lancelot


      So it's done? Mom and the baby doing fine?

      Congrats Poppa Steve!

    2. stevemead08


      Thanks eveyone!!

  3. don't know what mark just said...

    1. stevemead08


      lol. he hooked up a 12" SSD to his computer i think????

    2. Sir-Lancelot


      Rabble Rabble Rabble

  4. first bedroom is gutted, landscape is gone, the fall clean-up has begun! ftw

    1. Sir-Lancelot


      Shhhh. My wife will hear you and go into fuck with Lance about all the things I am not doing while i am doing my "projects" mode. lol

    2. porkchop


      lol, okay, i will keep it on the down low...wink wink

  5. cabin fever and it's only mid jan!!!

    1. Jay-C76


      Ha Ha! I feel your pain bro!

    2. mccleery3
  6. what should i do about alex farris disapearing, there is a debt owed...

    1. stevemead08


      Isn't he your homie?

    2. porkchop


      yes...i have not seen any sign of him...see post in iakhop

  7. start new job next week! might be able to afford name brand bologna soon!

    1. Sir-Lancelot


      HaHa, southern steak sandwiches.

      Congrats man!

    2. Jay-C76


      Conrgrats bro! Hope this works out for you. Hope the family is all well. Good luck to you and yours!

  8. cresendo amps came in today! loudspeaker design cook book is here too! thanks M5!

    1. mccleery3


      HELL YEAH BRO! Glad somebody is having some positive progress!

    2. mccleery3


      HELL YEAH BRO! Glad somebody is having some positive progress!

  9. lots of pics posted in team iak/ slamology section

  10. folks in nap are getting hammered with the heat! working outdoors this week=ftl!!! prayers for a light work load to say the least!

    1. mccleery3


      Take it easy out there bro!

    2. Sir-Lancelot


      Same here in SC Bro. Sweating my balls off.

  11. tgif!! oh, i soooo wish!! lol

    1. mccleery3


      I'm with ya bro...oh wait, it is my friday ;)

    2. mccleery3


      I'm with ya bro...oh wait, it is my friday ;)

  12. wth! extended to hours two days in a row, is the money coming!? i hope so!

    1. mccleery3


      Keep gettin that paper my brotha!

    2. mccleery3


      Keep gettin that paper my brotha!

  13. ouch and burrr....yup , that would sum up today, tomorrow, in no way, shape, or form, be any better, just colder and wetter! but i am work mf'er!!!!!! loving it! ftw!

    1. mccleery3


      LOL.....build money???

    2. porkchop


      winter catch up first, then spring savings, then family function, then remodel projects...you see a pattern,,, lol

  14. the ironwork is still trickling in, thank u for all the prayers, they are working!

    1. mccleery3


      Glad to hear it bro!

    2. altoncustomtech
  15. Team IAK Audio shirts are ready to have payment sent in, be sure we have your most current address for shipping.

    1. altoncustomtech


      payment and address has been sent!

    2. porkchop


      thank u sir

  16. without wishing the weekend away...hoping that monday will shine new light on our situation!

    1. stevemead08


      Good luck homeboy. were praying for you and the family

  17. tomorrow should spawn the check..... scored two days of side work for me and my son, god is good!

    1. Sir-Lancelot


      Good deal man.

      Keep that chin up, good things happen to good people and your day is coming.

  18. prayers are carrying us through, thank you all, things are leveling out.

    1. Sir-Lancelot


      Keep that chin up brother.

      Good days are coming.

  19. pick up our new project tomorrow, two rooms are finishing up, so we started gutting the kitchen, deck starts tomorrow...

    1. mccleery3


      You sir, are a busy man!

  20. 4 members with IAK tat's !!! Lifers =FTW!!!

  21. slow progress on house, installed sub amp in the durango, potential job opportunity, and a family cookout, ftw!

    1. mccleery3


      Woot! Positive progress in all fronts bro!!

  22. Granddaughter might be here before thankgiving instead of on Christmas! samantha is in the hostpital now!

    1. stevemead08


      Congrats. a little early is still ok. still in the safe zone.

  23. big thanks to chicagofan for helping us so much...proud to be your brother, thank you very much!

    1. mccleery3


      That's what family is for bro....no thanks needed!

  24. fingers crossed..... winter storm=ftl

    1. Dan208


      We're getting it pretty bad here. Drifting like crazy.

  25. Big thank you to TeamRamRod for joing Team IAK's family!

    1. mccleery3


      Here we grow again!!
