I searched the forum for any previous posts and information on this and came up empty handed so I apologize if this has been covered before. I finally talked to my buddy about the fiberglass stuff he was talking about that came ready to go, all you had to do was mold it around whatever it was you were using it on and let it cure. I found out that it actually cures in sunlight, or under UV light and has a wire mesh in it to help it hold it's shape. It's not horribly expensive either. I found 1 sq.ft. pieces for $24 at Jeg's of all places which I didn't think was too unreasonable considering it's got everything a person needs to make it work. I would imagine that by the time a person bought enough resin, hardener, molding supplies, glass mat, etc. to do the little sail panel pods I'm wanting to do that it would cost more than $48. Maybe not, but for the location and shape these are going to have to have at least doing the main part of the pod would likely be easier with the Hyperfiber. This is a subject I know VERY little about so some insight and help would be greatly appreciated by anyone who has fiberglass experience and especially experience with this product.