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Everything posted by S.DeYoung

  1. S.DeYoung

    Missing Sub

    good lookin out
  2. Check the for sale section. I have (2) mb quart dsc1500.1s available for a good price. I was using (1) dsc1500.1 on a 12" Icon and it worked great. The amp is rated at 1500wrms @ 1 ohm. One amp would work great for (2) Icons. With them being "louder" than your JL's, that is mostly install, box, etc.
  3. Good choice should work well for you. Thank you sir! I just saw your MB Quartz for sale.. I probably would have got one of those if I had waited lol. Great price Btw, the girl loves the Dcon you sold me. Thanks again for that! Cant wait to see some pics of your build. Installing in a Dodge Charger correct? BTL?
  4. Good choice should work well for you.
  5. S.DeYoung

    Havasufreak Build Log

    Whats this going in?
  6. S.DeYoung

    2003 Dodge Durango Build

    The MB Quarts are definitely nice amps. They do rated power nicely. That being said the sundowns are much nicer build quality and seem to do more than rated (I set my gains to 1700wrms each with my multimeter). I definitely noticed a difference when I strapped the 1500ds together (Thank You Jacob from Sundown for all of the info.)
  7. S.DeYoung

    2003 Dodge Durango Build

  8. S.DeYoung

    Amp to push a 12" ICON

    I just upgraded to sundown 1500d v.2s. I have two mb quart dsc1500.1 that do 1500wrms @ 1ohm. Used for 2 months comes with original box, manuals, and bass knob. $150. Let me know. I had the two amps pushing two icons
  9. S.DeYoung

    t-line for the jl's

    Whats the specs of this box? It does not look like a t-line enclosure at all to me. It looks like you just put together a box and called it a t-line. How does it sound? I personally do not know how to design a proper t-line enclosure so just want to hear some of your explanation on it.
  10. Xcon's and 1500d's installed today. All I can say is WOW

    1. Shogen


      hey why does it take people a few days to post pics when they already took them?? 56k sir?? lulz

    2. S.DeYoung


      holidays. busy.

    3. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      Very happy to hear you like it. Just wait until it breaks in. :)

    4. Show next comments  465 more
  11. S.DeYoung

    1 out of 2 strapped 3500d won't power on

    This. I definitely learned the hard way. The first time I ran three amps at one time off of just the headunit my 4 channel burnt up.
  12. S.DeYoung

    Sundown 1500d v.1 and 1500 v.2

    Yeah can not wait to get these running. They are going to power 2 12" xcons
  13. S.DeYoung

    Sundown 1500d v.1 and 1500 v.2

    I just recieved (1) 1500d v.1 and (1) 1500d v.2 last night. Looking at each of them they look exactly the same and I can not tell which is which. How can I tell? and can the two be strapped together? If not I still have another v.1 so no worries.
  14. S.DeYoung

    Sundown 1500d v.1 and 1500 v.2

    Thank You Yes that is me. Since they are both v.2 I did not know and have not seen that thread
  15. S.DeYoung

    Port Help!?!?

    Are those outer dimensions on the box? That box is way bigger than needed. What cubic feet are you going for?
  16. S.DeYoung

    2003 Dodge Durango Build

    Yeah I love this color. It looks purple most of the time but it has a pearl coat/clear on it and when the sun is really shining it looks red. HaHa (4) 12s huh? I did just purchase (2) 12" Xcons and two Saz-1500ds. Subs will be here tomorrow. Box building starts this weekend.
  17. S.DeYoung

    Sundown vs. Fi

    1.23 ported and 1.23 sealed are not the same size box. You need to account for port area, which depending on you tuning will make you box a hell of alot bigger
  18. S.DeYoung


  19. S.DeYoung

    Buying 2-18" SSA Xcons Soon!

    nooo, we have already done some measuring bro. It won't be easy by any means but saying it flat out won't isn't fair lol. I promise you wont fit them in there in the 12+ cube box they need with the 240+ sqin of port needed. Wont happen. we take that as a challenge Great challenge. If I follow SSAs recommended ported suggestions. I come up with a box that is around 18 cubic feet after port, sub displacement, and bracing. I used 32hz for tuning, 7.75 cu ft per sub. Thats a lot of box in that car. Please create a build log when you start this.
  20. S.DeYoung

    Buying 2-18" SSA Xcons Soon!

    sealed or ported box? If I remember right you have a new chevy malibu. (2) 18's will be hard to fit in that trunk. Before you buy the xcons make sure you can design a box that will work for you trunk. Other than that good luck and cannot wait to see pictures
  21. Yes much better I might have a used one for sale soon. I will let you know asap if you are not able to get that one.
  22. Please no. Power Acoustik is not worth the money.
  23. S.DeYoung

    Trying to figure out a box for 2 15" xcons.

    If you use aeroports you need to use more than one 4". The calculator is correct but you do not have enough port. I would use (2) 6" aeroports with a length of 15.45". Your 4 x 18.5 slot port is the best option out of this group with 72 square inches of port area, but I would go more. Overall the numbers are correct but for 7.5 cubic foot box I would try to get 100-120 square inches of port area if using a slot port. You can get away with less port area while using aeroports to achieve no port noise.