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Everything posted by joshtazz

  1. What to do today hmm. Mabey go somewhere lol

  2. Stuck at work with Kathy A Jones. Ohhh joy!! :)

  3. Great day so far.:) to bad its going to rain.

  4. Can't wait until Tuesday!

  5. Work all weekend, doubles everyday. Ohhh joyy!!

    1. bcst86


      just think when you get that check though....$$$$$

  6. U.S.A. Homeless go without eating. U.S.A. Elderly go without needed medicines. U.S.A. Mentally ill go without treatment. U.S.A. Troops go without proper equipment. U.S.A. Veterans go without benefits they were promised. Yet we donate billions to other countries before helping our own first. Have the guts to re-post this. 1% will re-post and 99% Won't have the Gut

    1. Notorious97200


      Nothing has changed, no ?! But you can't stop helping others. How will they buy all your US products ?! It's a big business after all !

  7. I'm a guy. I don't care if you don't cover yourself in makeup every day. I don't care if you don't want to see me every day. I understand that you're sometimes upset and i'll always be there for you. I don't mind if you've got numerous guy friends. I just want a good sandwich.... And a cold Beer------Seth Miller

  8. Who would of thought air conditioning effects our voting and top ten cities. Love watching history channel

  9. Had a great time with Kathy A Jones yesterday. I hope get to see her tonight =)

  10. Hanging out with my girlfriend in laff. At tattoo place then to the mall=)

  11. I think about more than I forget, but I don't go around fire not expecting to sweat. ---Lil wayne

  12. Happy Birthday Kathy A Jones!!! Hope it is a great day for you and can't wait to spend the day with you tommorrow. :)

  13. Most people shouldn't worry about being abducted by aliens. They are only looking for intelligent life.

  14. Hanging with kathy :)

  15. It is 80 degrees, so that means ill be working in a 100 degree plus kitchen tonight ohh joy. I hate summer.

  16. Have you ever noticed that when you are in love, you always go around with a smile on your face? Indeed, love brings immense happiness to the lives of those who are experiencing it.

  17. Thank god for summer vacation :)

  18. Sleeping in all day and doing nothing tonight sounds like a great monday:)

  19. joshtazz

    So Many Questions..........

    Sorry to jump in but I just wanted to say that that guy is not a dick.He actualy designs and builds great boxes and knows what he is talking about.He was just trying to help you and you jumped to conclusions; so, please next time don't be so rude. People on here are just trying to help eachother out and are very kind but when u go around making accusations people will tend to not help u and be rude back. And trust me I am a newb when it comes to box building and I understand your frustration but that is no excuse to be like that.
  20. joshtazz

    new substage

    Okay I am planning on getting a new substage setup in the summer because right now im just a poor college student lol. Anyways I have had a fi btl 12 before and loved it but now I know I want an 18 for sure and I have contacted argent audio and an 18 will fit with aero ports so my question is should I get another btl or the Q. I loved my old btl but honestly sometimes it was just to loud and I have heard great things about tthe Q. I have never heard a sound quility sub in car auido before though. I like it loud but it doesn't necasarly have to rattle everything too. So I was just wondering what you guys think between the two wich would be better. If I left any iformation out jus let me know. I also currently have an Saz-2000d to power it 0 guage runs big three and plan on getting a h/o alternator soon. Thanks for any help
  21. joshtazz

    new substage

    Lol sorry I meant sub part of the system and I was just curoius about the Q
  22. joshtazz

    need some help

    Well first I should say i have a 2002 jeep liberty (KJL v6 3.7 liter I was reading an article on its eletrical system and found this charging system of our KJ's is much different to ones in the past. I have been told that in an efforet to protect the PCM and other computer components in the KJ, the charging system draws from the battery FIRST and then calls on the Atl/Gen to re-plenish the battery as needed. That is why the new generation of Deep Cycle batteries work so well. They have the reserve power to allow the extra toys without needing to add the huge alt/gen of the past. As you use your lights, stereo, winches, what ever, they will be drawing from a battery that is not designed to power all that stuff. A deep cycle is designed to do that. And was wondering 1) if you gues made an alt for my vehicle 2) if the alt overides this system Thanks for your help
  23. So I was reading about my 2002 jeep liberty (KJ) electrical system and found this The charging system of our KJ's is much different to ones in the past. I have been told that in an efforet to protect the PCM and other computer components in the KJ, the charging system draws from the battery FIRST and then calls on the Atl/Gen to re-plenish the battery as needed. That is why the new generation of Deep Cycle batteries work so well. They have the reserve power to allow the extra toys without needing to add the huge alt/gen of the past. As you use your lights, stereo, winches, what ever, they will be drawing from a battery that is not designed to power all that stuff. A deep cycle is designed to do that. So then what helps the best adding a h/o alt first or adding a deep cylce battery thanks
  24. joshtazz

    Amp is clipping?

    About ur lights dimming.... I have a jeep liberty too and before I beefed up my electrical Icould push all four off my window roll up buttons and the lights would dimm haaa soo its jus that the vehicle needs the big three big batt and big alt at least with my btl