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edouble101 last won the day on February 4 2018

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314 Excellent Member

About edouble101

  • Rank
    SSA Ninja
  • Birthday 03/19/1997

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    photography, motorcycling, internet forums, tinkering and building stuff!
  • Vehicle
    2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport

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  1. I have them on-axis without tweeters, there is no need to have a tweeter with these drivers if mounted on-axis or close to it, on top of the dash/a-pillar.
  2. I have been using the Markaudio Alpair-7-Grey Cone 4" Full Range for over a year now. They are hands down very transparent and extremely capable. Over the years I used and tested +20 full range drivers and these sound the best to my ears. Currently, they are mounted in pods on my dash corners. When the music starts playing they simply disappear. The only driver on your list that is the most comparable is the Tang Band w4-1337sd. Unfortunately, the Tang Band w4-1337sd are HUGE!! Top end "sparkle" is much more present with the Markaudio Alpair-7-Grey Cone 4" Full Range. Other than the Markaudio Alpair-7-Grey Cone 4" Full Range I wold recommend the FaitalPRO 3FE22. The 3FE22 are probably the most underrated midrange IMO. Very neutral sounding like the Markaudio Alpair-7-Grey Cone 4" Full Range and Tang Band w4-1337sd. I recommend the Markaudio Alpair-7-Grey Cone 4" Full Range, runner up the FaitalPRO 3FE22.
  3. edouble101

    Evil 15" D2 - never powered

    Yes sir
  4. edouble101

    Alpine INE-W957HD and PXA-H800

    No thanks. I am closing this thread. They are being sold on Ebay.
  5. edouble101

    Alpine INE-W957HD and PXA-H800

    Last attempt to sell these on online forums. $650 shipped for both units.
  6. edouble101

    Evil 15" Review

    I ended up selling it before I used it I started this thread too soon.
  7. edouble101

    Evil 15" D2 - never powered

    I am selling my Evil 15" d2. I've decided to build a drag racing car, all my money will be going into that instead of finishing my audio build. I had the sub mounted but it it was never powered. $500 shipped, no trades and I am not lowering the price. 20180127_124334 by edouble.photo, on Flickr 20180127_124445 by edouble.photo, on Flickr 20180127_124451 by edouble.photo, on Flickr 20180127_124352 by edouble.photo, on Flickr
  8. edouble101

    08 escalade esv 4 sp4 18s on 20k no wall

    This picture really shows how big this enclosure is!
  9. edouble101

    IA 40.1 Used

    This amp is going to power my Evil 15
  10. edouble101

    J-roadtatts Super Sonic Xterra Build

    You are using two different tweeters in the same install?
  11. edouble101

    Excellent condition Rockford Fosgate Power amplifiers

    T1500-1 is SOLD
  12. Well then, Dr. Lindsey will be a hit on youtube!
  13. The best part of the video was all the kisses at the end, too cute. Is that always her mo?