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Status Updates posted by bassahaulic

  1. Yea I bang my music loud, I bet you feel me coming down the block.

  2. PT is finally sitting right again. :-)

  3. My EQ > Yours. lol

  4. Some of y'all are not where you want to be in life, yet you party every weekend, what exactly are you celebrating?

  5. And that's why your dumbass works at Pizza Hut. Ignorant fuck.

    1. patented17


      As long as they can put my pepperonis and Jalapenos, on my pizza that's all that matters.

    2. 16K


      my bad mayne lmao

  6. After installing these Pro Audio speakers in the PT and taking the time to RTA and re-time align everything.

    I don't see how you puckers ride with 6 of these per door with 6 tweeters? I mean WTF

  7. New mids and tweeters in PT? Why yes thank you!!!

    They sound amazing!!

    db Drive 1" Pro Audio tweets in dash with

    db Drive 8" Pro Audio mids in the doors.


    1. jcarter1885


      What made you switch from the components? How do you like the pro audio speakers?

    2. bassahaulic


      I love them so far, sounds amazing and get very loud.

  8. A Rockford Corp T2500bdCP will make 2,964w rising to 2.05ohm starting at 1ohm.

    That power. ;-)

  9. Hey guys. I have a ZCON 15" for sale. Who wants it?

    Super good price

  10. What exactly defines a "race" vehicle?

    Like a Racecar or racetruck?

    1. DanP


      Any vehicle that is used in a race I suppose

    2. S.DeYoung


      The car in your picture is race worthy :P

    3. djjdnap


      I once read a sports car does not have 4 doors regardless of the engine size. I would assume a 'race car' has no doors lol

  11. I trust no news or anyone today. Bunch of lying whores.

  12. I'm bout tired of all this gun debate and gay rights stuff on Facebook.

    How hard is it to just let people own what they want and love who they want? I mean damn, who are you to say otherwise?

  13. Anyone ever successfully used the Kinetik 16v batteries with using the 12v and 16v posts at same time?

    Would have 11 of them total, maybe 13.

    1. shizzzon


      only way it's possible is to also install a bank of 12v with them. Otherwise, you'll have uneven cell distribution.

  14. Brett Laugharn doing some video work!!


  15. Daily driver with a wall. Who else?

    1. shizzzon


      i thought that was the norm nowadays... hell, my daily driver is my Xtreme vehicle bagged n all.

  16. Apparently people have an issue with the fact that the Isuzu went and demoed harder then anyone else at the show this weekend, but didn't meter. Lol.


    1. S.DeYoung


      Thats because it is soooo quiet

  17. i am gay

    1. Shogen


      ^is that bad?

    2. shizzzon


      hes got a girl so i do not see this as a possibility

    3. djjdnap


      As if the PT cruiser avi didn't give it away lol

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  18. Maybe you can help and tell me what's wrong.

    Woke up feeling nauseated. Drank some water, my throat was hurting. Ignored it since I've been sick all week

    Went to Jon's shop and got steadily worse until I threw up around 2.

    After I threw up my whole body was tingling and I felt very weak. And I still tingle and feel weak. Head is throbbing and hurts my temples to cough.


    1. Godsmack


      Ummmm on this one call a doctor bro. Temple pains and nausea are not a combo to be trifled with.

    2. Jason Witt

      Jason Witt

      Time to visit the doctor. Get well.

    3. bassahaulic


      I forget my Facebook is synced to this. lol

      After 24 hours I felt fantastic, like I had never been ill. idk what it was.

  19. America is not the greatest country in the world anymore.

  20. Motor swap in 2009 Vibe 95% done. Motor is in and running!

  21. My new Blue Point box.

    Have this and my Task Force box which will be a little cleaner now. Lol

    Thanks Johnathan Gassaway

  22. Some people just don't appreciate the things they get. Such a shame.

    1. Jason Witt
    2. mlcantin


      I appreciate hard working honest men and women that earn everything they own. Americans are too lazy and expect things to be given to them... Sigh

  23. Working at the shop. Finally working at Innovative. :)

  24. Just in that mood tonight. lol

    1. 16K


      which mood is that... :P

    2. 16K


      which mood is that... :P

  25. I think it's funny, so many people THINK they know the truth about all these different audio companies. lol It's sad really, when they post I WANT to say something, but I'd rather seen them make asses out them selves.

    1. bassahaulic


      It's funny, had some one on here. some on with power on here, tell me they AREN'T the same. noob

    2. ssh


      who told you? Can't say their name?

    3. ssh


      That's what I thought...

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