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Thought I'd share this with you guys

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Oh my, that richard d james transvestite avatar is quite astonishing.

oH yes. I do enjoy licking Windows. :P

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I was going to vinyl my doors and anything else I wanted to give a carbon fiber appearance to.

However, I checked out some guides and doing carbon fiber may not be as bad as I thought.

So I might just buy 5 yds, some epoxy resin, and try it!

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Got a lot done on the doors today, pretty crappy day till it finally cleared up in the afternoon. However it's a nice break from the burning hot sun, so I'm glad it worked out the way it did.



Pillars sanded!


It's like snow!...but its not.












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Primed ready for the CF, which should be here tomorrow or Friday. Chances are I wont be doing them until the weekend because I will need some time to work on them.





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So I tried doing some cf today, I dont know how it will turn out until I unwrap it tomorrow. I hope it looks good, if not, I'll have to try again and do another layer, this time individually.

So uhh, here is was the vacuum bagging looks like.







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Wow, if I had something like that under my bed while I was licking my girlfriend, my job would be ALOT easier!

what are you talking about

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Wow, if I had something like that under my bed while I was licking my girlfriend, my job would be ALOT easier!

what are you talking about

X2! I read that and went and looked at the pictures again for why he said that! I'm still clueless...

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Wow, if I had something like that under my bed while I was licking my girlfriend, my job would be ALOT easier!

what are you talking about

X2! I read that and went and looked at the pictures again for why he said that! I'm still clueless...

I'm pretty sure he is talking about the 16 subs. haha

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u use ur a/c pump to vacuum out all the air?

Yes, I did. However vacuum bagging these did not work out well since the vacuum bends the plastic. If I don't have a perfect seal, when I turn it off, it releases, the plastic and carbon fiber moves out of place.

Wow, if I had something like that under my bed while I was licking my girlfriend, my job would be ALOT easier!

what are you talking about

X2! I read that and went and looked at the pictures again for why he said that! I'm still clueless...

I'm pretty sure he is talking about the 16 subs. haha


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Ok this time!!!!

this time I propped the pillars in the air to keep resin from building up on the edges and make it easier to get the CF to wrap on the edge, which turned out ok.



My resin and their pumps


Hmm, what would this sheet (+ another in the garage) be laying around here for, what could I possibly need more 3/4" MDF sheets for? Hmmm. ;)


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Dude, they look great! I might want to make some now...How hard was it? Pretty smilar to glassing?

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those sheets are bawlin lol

and nice work man!


Dude, they look great! I might want to make some now...How hard was it? Pretty smilar to glassing?

Thanks, However compared to glassing, this stuff is WAY WAY WAY More delicate! It's a huge pain, if you don't do it right, you got to do it over.

But here is some tips, Sharpe scissors, makes for cutting this stuff and keeping the fabric intact much easier. You also need to (on this thin fabric/these pillars) cut the fabric and try to leave a 1-1.5" lip all the way around and not too long.

I propped mine in the air (definitely helps) to allow the fabric to wrap around without touching the ground/base (if it was resting on the ground, the fabric would not stick to the pillar well)

It also helps to have the edges perpendicular to the ground, you don't want the edge to curl under your work and have gravity pulling the fabric off the pillar.

Also! You need a lot of prep work, you need to sand the plastic (I used 40/60) and then I primed it with black primer so that no off colors show through.

Along with that, you need to get the surface sticky, lay a layer of resin on your work then allow it to gel up, the stuff I used had a long working time and drying time, I got the Medium (fast isn't recommended, neither is slow) epoxy hardener system with the 635 thin resin and it took a while (like 40 min?) to get sitcky! (http://uscomposites.com/epoxy.html#epoxhard)

Then lay the CF down is one even smooth layer and gently form the cf into place if it doesnt stick start laying up resin. Take the loose bristles out of the brush, then wrap tape around it (about halfway) to hold the bristles in place, and check again for lose bristles.

When you get bubbles, I found that a heat gun will pop then very gently!

When I was done outside, I put it in the garage overnight to bake and harden, I recommend this if yours is as hot as mine!

Four hours later I found that it was still was soft and sticky, so I used that to help wrap the CF in really hard areas by putting pressure on it and gently wrapping it around and pinching it.

And forget about vacuum bagging, it's more trouble than it's worth and is only truly helpful when making flat sheets, or you have something that will not flex under the forces of the vacuum!

This guide helped me with the CF work: http://www.fiberglassforums.com/showthread.php?t=6830

Edited by Rawr-dq

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Thanks, it looks sweet.

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