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Help, Car wire burning

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Ok starting yesterday my car began to smoke and smell like burning so I popped the hood to find nothing. I noticed that it was coming from the wheel well and ended out figuring out it was a part of some wiring that was melting very badly. It has now made it so my parking break remains on and driving again tonight it began to smell and my ABS light on my car began to flash. Any advice on what it is or what I should do.

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Wow. Start checking every wire you can, stereo and non-stereo, to see if there is a ground out somewhere.

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Wow. Start checking every wire you can, stereo and non-stereo, to see if there is a ground out somewhere.

Well another piece of information is that it does not do it every time the car is on. The first was when the car was on idle and i was listening to music with the AC on and the second time i was listening to music and I had to turn my head lights on.

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You've got a serious ground issue somewhere. Check the engine ground first. Put another ground in there and see if it cures it. If it does, start checking all the grounds you can.

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You've got a serious ground issue somewhere. Check the engine ground first. Put another ground in there and see if it cures it. If it does, start checking all the grounds you can.

I have no clue what to look for other than the engine ground, another problem that this has caused is my car does not automatically lock when I begin to drive.

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You'll have to check all your grounds on your car, but I would start with the engine ground.

Here's a story for ya.

I had a buddy buy a wrecked car and rebuild it. The engine ground never got hooked back up. Upon starting the car and testing everything, we noticed smoke coming from under the middle of the car. Took a look and the parking brake cables were fried. That was the only source for ground through the car and you can just imagine that small point handling all the grounding when the 12V- system is designed to use the entire vehicle structure as a ground.

Run a new ground to the engine block with a heavy guage wire and test. Then start going through everything else. This way, you are guaranteed a large ground capable of handling everything. After you get that done, I'd concentrate on making sure the computer and all other modules have a proper ground as well.

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You'll have to check all your grounds on your car, but I would start with the engine ground.

Here's a story for ya.

I had a buddy buy a wrecked car and rebuild it. The engine ground never got hooked back up. Upon starting the car and testing everything, we noticed smoke coming from under the middle of the car. Took a look and the parking brake cables were fried. That was the only source for ground through the car and you can just imagine that small point handling all the grounding when the 12V- system is designed to use the entire vehicle structure as a ground.

Run a new ground to the engine block with a heavy guage wire and test. Then start going through everything else. This way, you are guaranteed a large ground capable of handling everything. After you get that done, I'd concentrate on making sure the computer and all other modules have a proper ground as well.

That sounds exactly right but I cannot seem to find the engine block ground in my 00 explorer.

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I might be a little off, but I think for that year, it is drivers side towards the rear. Not positive though.

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