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Matting my s15

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First off, i have a 86 ext cab s15 pickup truck and the equipment is in my sig.

I hear matting them is bad because of the natural cabbin flex these trucks need to sound at best when dealing with SPL. :unsure: Then.. i heard people gain from them with matting(for spl). I've pretty much heard A LOT of things... :worthless: only mat the floor.. only mat the side pannels.. etc etc etc. :wtf:

So can someone clear this up for me? :puzzled: Im looking to gain some dBs while still having the natural effect of matting :fing34: (music inside, noise outside)

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Unless someone has the exact set up you do, it's really hard for anyone to answer. All cars respond differently to every adjustment you make. You're best bet is trying to find an SPL competitor that has the same vehicle and pick his/her brain.

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well itd be hard to find someone with the exact truck as me.. but if someone has a s-series truck or something like it feel free to chime in..

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