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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2010 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    It sounds a little funny that someone in the industry could blow two diffferent subs with out any indication that they were about to blow. Unless both subs had mechanical defects on the coils allowing them to come apart. Which could be possible but unlikely. I don't care if the subs had rated power, 2,500 watts of power, clipped signal, unclipped signal, too big of a box, to small of a box, or even if they were plugged into a 120 volt ac outlet, the coils would first heat up the glue holding them together causing a burning smell, which most everyone would smell and think to themselves, I might want to turn off my system and have a looksee.
  2. 1 point
    I'm not sure on that amplifier the slope of the subsonic filter. Amazingly I can't find it on either the website or in the manual. I'm assuming it's steeper than 12db/oct (which is the slope of the standard crossover). I would also presume that setting the "full" option for the crossover would still allow the subsonic filter to operate. Assuming I'm correct on both of those assumptions, I personally would use the subsonic filter as the highpass filter. The subsonic is just another name for a highpass filter. Set it to where ever sounds best. Since you will be bridging the amplifier, you will be highpassing (with the subsonic filter) the left side and right side independently of each other, so you will need to set the SSF to approximately the same on both channels 1/2 and channels 3/4.. The main thing is to try to set both filters as close to the same as possible. If you are highpassing your speakers with the SSF, set the "HPF/FULL/LPF" to "full". Or if you decide to use the HPF to highpass the speakers instead of the SSF, then you can use the HPF on both pair of channels set in the same manor.....to where ever sounds best, but try to set both HPF as close to the same as possible. If you use the HPF to highpass the speakers instead of the SSF, then set the SSF to it's lowest frequency setting rendering it basically ineffective. Gain is the same way. You will have to set both gains (channels 1/2 gain & channels 3/4 gain). Set it to wherever sounds best, where you can use most of the range of your headunit's volume (approximately 75% on a decently "loud" track) without overdriving your speakers. I would recommend about 75% of your headunits volume on a loud track that way you have some "headroom" on your volume control for quieter tracks or sources. But since you will have an independent gain for the left side and right side try to match the gains for both as closely as possible. It would be helpful if you had a DMM and test tones for verifying the left and right settings (both gain and crossover) are close to the same. I can help walk you through how to do this if you have access to both of those items. Bass Boost as you mentioned leave set at 0db.
  3. 1 point
    if u add another battery, you need a voltmeter installed to monitor the rear battery. IF, which i do not believe at this moment, that your front battery is severely discharged, adding a second battery will only lead to prolong overworking of the alternator and one would need a remote voltmeter to monitor a change in voltage when the stereo is low or off. You don't want an alt to burn up from trying to charge low batts. But, enough speculation... Don't decide anything without knowing some fact about what's going on.
  4. 1 point
    the guy who started this post is right.. i went and downloaded all the Focal demo disk.. 7 of them.. they all sound super good... i have the Focal 165 KRX2 and a Xcon, boy does these cd's sound good... song 15 on disk 7... double bass like no other, and it sounds so good ... never heard double bass in car audio that sounded like you were there !!!
  5. 1 point
    Welcome .... You joined the best forum to get the answers you need!
  6. 1 point
    Check out Subwoofer Wiring Diagrams It does the calculating for you, all you'll have to do is input the "Speaker Qty." and "Voice Coil Impedance"
  7. 1 point
    , there is no such thing as under powering a sub. The only time it affects the subwoofer when you underpower it is when you try to turn the volume knob or gains higher then you should sending a dirty signal to the subwoofer, since your making the amp work harder and provide power it was not meant to.
  8. -1 points
  9. -1 points
    um you guys are kinda dumb yeah....^^^^^^^ how are you comparing a 2500 rms sub to a 400-600 watt sub.. not everyone has the same goals. get real
  10. -2 points
    what kinda fukked up thread is this? are you asking us whether you should get 1 12 or 2 15s. get fukken real thats not even a comparison and if anyone tells you to get 1 12 they are out of their mind. go big or get out.