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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/2010 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I had the 15's both sealed and ported. My ported box was just about like yours, coochie hair over 3fc tuned to 34. They were fine in that box. Very flat and loud. My sealed box was 3cf and let me tell you, they sound so damn good sealed up. If you went a 3cf or a little smaller sealed I bet you would be a very happy man. They will still throw down sealed up. If it was me, and I was worried about space I would seal them up and see how you like it first. The output will surprise you. SSA don't half ass nothing man. These subs will excel in either box design. As far as double baffle, do it! YOu have to. The reason I went sealed is because they flat out tore up my ported box and it was well built. These fuckers will move.
  2. 1 point
    To hit on a few of the things not answered already, box size wise, I think you will be ok but keep in mind you are at the smallest end of the spectrum of the suggested range. The Xcon's will play excellent in the smaller sized enclosure as they don't need monster sized boxes, but it does not hurt to go a little larger. In a way, I wonder if you might be more happy with a pair of 12's on the larger end of the spectrum instead, (yeah I know down~selling is not a good business trait, but trying to figure out best choice for your needs). One other thing, if you want to stay with 15's, don't be afraid of sealing them, ask anyone who has and they are VERY happy with the results. Due to the high power handling and high output potential, there is this perception of the Xcon's have to be ported, but that is far from the reality. In terms of the TC-9, I have one also, very nice driver, but the Xcon motor is a solid hop skip and a jump above. A TC-9 driver would more or less compare with our Icon. Hope that helps.
  3. 1 point
    Specifications: 15" SSA XCON D2 Re 3.7 Fs 31.3 Qms 6.11 Qes .45 Qts .42 Mms 268 Vas 88.4 Sd 810 Bl 20.71 SPL 89.6 Xmax 31mm Enclosure Recommendations: Sealed: 2.0 - 2.25 cu.ft. Sealed: 2.75 - 3.0 cu.ft. optimal Ported: 3.0 - 3.25 cu.ft. @ 26-33 hz Ported: 4.0 cu.ft. @ 26-33hz opt. Sub Outside Dia.: 15.625” Cut Inside Dia.: 14.125” Displacement: 0.20 cu.ft.
  4. 1 point
    You won't banned from this forum. Stealth is/was obviously a kicker fan boy and he didn't like hearing the facts: There is most likely a better sub out there for your purpose that you can get just as cheap. People aren't banned for mentioning kicker. that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard. Now if you're trying to make xplod's seem sweet..... maybe. Just kidding. This forum isn't prejudice towards one company. Just the intelligent and well experienced people on here will tell you what they've experienced. And the not-so-intelligent ones give bad advice.
  5. 1 point
    Let's keep eDuh out of the discussion. Even if the products are worth their weight in gold I'm not supoorting a company with bad rep.
  6. 1 point
    Pencil and paper. If it is a slot port the port needs to be in the enclosure to figure net volume, ie don't figure out port displacement and subtract it from gross volume to get net volume. You can calculate round ports separately.
  7. 1 point
    This is true. I never really factored current draw into the situation. Hopefully Jacob will chime in and give me some good news. I don't want to have to buy 2 100.4s lol. He is referring to the current that needs to be produced by the output FETs. FETs have a rating on how much current they can produce. If the amp was designed to do so, it would have the FETs to do it. But not being designed to do it why spend the extra money to put them in. This isn't saying the amp isn't strong but just not WAY over built.
  8. 1 point
    first thing you need to do is install a voltmeter and see what your voltage is at to see if you really NEED the alt. maybe just another battery will do, if you're sticking around 2k (which i recommend)
  9. 1 point
    The problem isn't so much "power" as it is current. Even though the power may be the same, the amplifier has to output more current when driving a lower impedance load (basic fact of Ohms Law). The required increase in current may exceed the capabilities of the amplifier. I personally wouldn't chance it. Jacob may disagree however as he would have a better idea of the current capabilities of the amplifier.
  10. 1 point
    Get yourself a 12" XCON or ICON and be happy.
  11. 1 point
    I don't see why people keep downrating your comments, your just telling the truth. Thanks for the help man. Becuase he is giving horrible recommendations without stating any kinds of facts or info to show how throwing this amount of power at those speakers will work with no problems. Definitely deserved negative marks for those. RE Tech support themselves have told me they have personally done this in an active setup. They also told me that this would void the warranty. I was using this statement to back the fact that 250 watts is achievable through these drivers in an active setup if crossed over correctly and properly eq'd. Is it beneficial? Probably not. This was the easiest way to show how durable these speakers are. I am not here to argue, and I am stating facts. I am getting sick of this fucking forum and the people calling others out over nothing. I have received false information from many people, including a couple of you, and am not calling them out. You make an unpleasant atmosphere for people here that are trying to get information. On SMD I have posted the same topic and received a completely different view and perspective on what to do with my front stage. Just an example. There is more than one point of view on things. Please don't respond back with an argument to this. It's pointless and I will not respond back.
  12. 1 point
    Overall, I am incredibly impressed with the new icons. Awesome sounding subs. And with these doing the high numbers they are, i wonder what some xcons could do... SSA FTMFW
  13. 1 point
    Go to Wal-mart buy the cheapest one or it really doesnt matter, use it and take it back if you really dont want to keep it. This may save you in shipping cost if it is the right sub after all, so the only thing you will be wasting is gas to Wal-mart at the end of the day.
  14. -1 points
  15. -3 points
    if you run KICKERS on this forum, consider your ass banned, only kickers allowed here are the soloxs. even then, thats cutting it.