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Status Updates posted by bassahaulic

  1. A Rockford Corp T2500bdCP will make 2,964w rising to 2.05ohm starting at 1ohm.

    That power. ;-)

  2. After installing these Pro Audio speakers in the PT and taking the time to RTA and re-time align everything.

    I don't see how you puckers ride with 6 of these per door with 6 tweeters? I mean WTF

  3. America is not the greatest country in the world anymore.

  4. And that's why your dumbass works at Pizza Hut. Ignorant fuck.

    1. patented17


      As long as they can put my pepperonis and Jalapenos, on my pizza that's all that matters.

    2. 16K


      my bad mayne lmao

  5. Anyone ever successfully used the Kinetik 16v batteries with using the 12v and 16v posts at same time?

    Would have 11 of them total, maybe 13.

    1. shizzzon


      only way it's possible is to also install a bank of 12v with them. Otherwise, you'll have uneven cell distribution.

  6. Anyone wanna buy a RD D9?

    Good condition, ran at 1ohm on strong 12v electrical.

  7. Apparently people have an issue with the fact that the Isuzu went and demoed harder then anyone else at the show this weekend, but didn't meter. Lol.


    1. S.DeYoung


      Thats because it is soooo quiet

  8. BOOM...... Headshot

  9. Brett Laugharn doing some video work!!


  10. Come on people, no company is going to give away product because it s "unsealed" that's just ignorant to think!

    So stop liking these "Company" pages with less then already 1,000,000 likes I mean WTF? How is the Apple Facebook going to have 2,000 likes? Or the beats page have 6,000?

    Are you redumb?

    1. mlcantin


      I'm confused

    2. bassahaulic


      Don't be, what I post on FB Automatically posts here.



      That could get...sticky lol

  11. Daily driver with a wall. Who else?

    1. shizzzon


      i thought that was the norm nowadays... hell, my daily driver is my Xtreme vehicle bagged n all.

  12. Everyone go check out my YouTube! Lots of loud car audio vids! With Tutorials, builds, interviews, and MUCH more cooming soon!! http://www.youtube.com/user/wfhs52

  13. Feeling down for some reason. Think a change is in order soon. Just don't know what yet.

    1. Shogen


      new type of condom? best choice imo

  14. Feels good to be back behind the wheel of a GMC. ;-)

  15. Headed to Dallas on August 17th for MERA Knowledgefest. If you're in the area and want to meet, text/call me 225-620-5103.

  16. Hey guys, I'm going to try to be more active online from now on. I'd love to get back into the swing of things with everyone!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shogen


      me too! hows it hangin' drew? Aaron is not cool anymore he's dusty...lol

    3. Aaron Clinton
    4. Shogen


      you know... old and stuff, my jokes are no good. fatigue is my excuse

  17. Hey guys. I have a ZCON 15" for sale. Who wants it?

    Super good price

  18. i am gay

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shogen


      ^is that bad?

    3. shizzzon


      hes got a girl so i do not see this as a possibility

    4. djjdnap


      As if the PT cruiser avi didn't give it away lol

  19. I find it very weird that the only people to die today in the explosion were supposedly two kids, both of whom 8 years old, and both of whom were running in honor of the Sandy hook kids.

    Just.... weird.....

  20. I rarely post things like this, but my heart is in pain tonight at the passing of Nikki Nolen.

    Although I do not see them as much as I should, her family and i were once very close, now I mourn the loss of such a fantastic person.

    My thoughts go out to the family, who I know are in immense pain. :-(

    1. Aaron Clinton
    2. Godsmack


      Sorry for the loss brother.

    3. bassahaulic


      Thanks guys, I always forget it autoposts here.

  21. I think I've got my first system for the truck figured out. :)

    I love bass.

  22. I think it's funny, so many people THINK they know the truth about all these different audio companies. lol It's sad really, when they post I WANT to say something, but I'd rather seen them make asses out them selves.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bassahaulic


      It's funny, had some one on here. some on with power on here, tell me they AREN'T the same. noob

    3. ssh


      who told you? Can't say their name?

    4. ssh


      That's what I thought...

  23. I trust no news or anyone today. Bunch of lying whores.

  24. I'm bout tired of all this gun debate and gay rights stuff on Facebook.

    How hard is it to just let people own what they want and love who they want? I mean damn, who are you to say otherwise?
