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18" BTL wall data

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2004 Monte Carlo

a pair of 18" fully loaded BTL's

a pair of Power Acoustik A3000D amps

one lonely termlab

500 pounds of wall...

153.6 @42 hz windshield

152.5 @38 hz MECA reality stand

151.8 @30 hz winshield

...and just for Meade...

150.6 @27 hz

all in all these subs are very impressive and tough. the monte carlo lacked a lot of the needed airspace to make this setup do the 155 i was projecting but a little added wattage will fix that issue (BTL's like power and dont be afraid to give it to them). innitially there was some metering issues getting the car to go over a 150 which is the main topic of my post.


the 32 hz tune we began with was rich, low, and brutal but in a wall the rolloff reacted a lot different. they're in 7.5 cubes each now with a solid 40 hz tune and are metering lows a lot better (not to the ear loud but most def on the lab). the tuning is smooth and very balanced over a wide musical spectrum. if you plan on walling off a BL or BTL and are wanting a full range volume monster i would suggest going with the higher than "advised" tune (unless you really love bass mechanik and southern rap). if anyone out there is planning on competing wayne harris' new psychlone division i would say these subs would make a killer modern twist to those fun to revisit early 90's tuner cars.

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Hmm if I remember correctly the 150.6 at 27hz is door open but on the DASH not kick. Bet would gain a few tenths on the kick. Now here is the thing. 39 to 40hz tuning. peaks LOW still and sound much better from what I heard. And surprisingly these are the BTL's and not the BL's cause I know the BTLs aren't suppose to be able to be tuned high AT ALL! I guess trial and error

Edited by vehementspl

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i get more and more impressed with these subs everytime i read about them i cant wait to get back from IRAQ man its killin me to build

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