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Animal Pump

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I'm not that big into sups but after reading about this animal pump I had to give it a go. Anyone here try it?

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The Pump product has R-ALA in it which is nice to see, along with your typical stimulants, caffeine and green tea extract. It has arginine in it as well, obviously. I did a three week trial of this and simply found the typical response - increased energy. The creatine in it may increase strength and lead to water retention, even at the ~3g dosage. $32 for 30 packets is not a terrible price considering Universal has issued a pretty complete product here.

Are you taking it right now? How are you responding to it? Have you tried any other pre-workout products before?

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I'm on my 3rd week of it. The energy rush doesnt really seem to effect me.. I used to drink an insane amount of red bull & vodka at the bar not too long ago so thats probably why. I did notice that I was able to get in 1 sometimes 2 more reps on the bench. After the 2nd week I did my normal bi sets and my arms felt like they were going to explode. So far it seems to be doing what it says. This is my first pre-workout sup I've taken. I'll most likely go through another bottle or 2 of this and then try out the animal cut.

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I've thought about trying Animal Pump out, but I've wasted alot of money on stuff that doesn't work. I like sticking with the tried and true. I've been using Stone Dragon mixed with NO-Explode. Stone Dragon is hands down the best supplement I've ever used. How do you think it would work if I replaced the NO-Explode with the Animal Pump?

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I am curious as to the results, because the only pre-work out stuff I have taken for a steady period of time is NO-Explode.

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From what I've read animal pump has similar results to no explode. But animal pump is a pack of pills unlike no explode. That makes it easier for people who workout at night. The energy rush pill is red and you can just eliminate that if you don't need it. If you do use the energy rush pill everyone says that its a "charged" kind of feeling. Not like the others that make you feel like you're going to have a heart attack.

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