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What are you guys' thoughts on this? It is sort of temporary give or take on how much I like it, I don't like the looks too much but it seems like its fine. I like having the noticable volume and channel changing button also. The USB I have read that you can plug your iPod through the USB and it should work (if it doesn't I have a flash drive or can get a bigger one for ~10$) and it plays cds. I have an iPod touch and I haven't been able to use it because the wireless ones dont work for chit (and differ in each car), I have no tape deck, and all I can play are cd's.

This unit also has 6v pre-outs with front rear and subwoofer RCA inputs. (I can use them for my subs) I also will be able to have some extra space underneath it for an EQ or some stuff like that later on depending if I keep it.

Here is the link, I'm not sure if theres many better prices but it comes with all the dash mounting kits so I know if worse comes to worse I can get it from SE.


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Just added this deck to my setup. Cheap way to go active. Also has TA and like you said, it has 6v preout.

The decks look and functionality does take some getting used to. I'm still getting used to mine. In person, it has some weight to it and it feels pretty well made.

FYI, newegg.com is having a killer deal on them http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...rion-_-82647014

They are an authorized dealer, I think. For it's specs and price range, it's hard to find an equal. Good luck! :drink40:

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Whooops! Just saw that you posted the 585, not the 785. Bonus.....get the next model up for cheaper.

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