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Saz3000 gain setting

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I decided to redo the gain setting on my saz3000 without using bass boost. Sub is audiopulse axis

I started to set it using a DMM on ac volts along with an ac clamp meter

first run gain was at min and i got 31.7 volts and 12.89 amps = 408 watts??

second run higher gain-- 79.8 V, 24 A = 1915 watts

another higher gain-- 83.4 V, 25.3 A = 2110 watts

another higher gain-- 84.8 V, 26 A = 2204 watts

after that run the amp shut off.

I checked how much more gain i had and i was amost max. so i turned off the amp, tried it again and i could see/hear clipping

so i got confused 2204 watts and clipping, I got my WT3 woofer tester and did an impedence curve. My clamp meter has an AC current range of 50-60hz so i was testin with a 55hz tone, so i looked at the curve at 55hz and it was 3.1..ohms

This got me thinking should i only be trying to get about 1200watts since its 3.1 ohms?

I decided to turn the gain down below where i could see definite clipping, continued playin and i could smell a smell, not very back coil burning smell, but it was still there. The amp was still cold too.

Before I got ready to post is saw a sticky about gain setting, it was saying multiply rms wattage and resistance of the sub and take the square root to get the voltage output at the speaker terminal, Sqrt(3000x1)=~55V

So that way says 55V. i was getti 84.8 V. So this means definite clipping, right?

all testing was done with a 200amp alt reved to 2k and 2 kinetik 1800s voltage dropped to 12.6 at lowest

so now i have a few questions?

Can i only use tones between 50-60hz if my clamp meter only does between that range?

Should i have factored in teh 3.1 ohms into my first way of setting the gain?

Should i just use the second way "Sqrt(rms x resistance)" to find set my gain?

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2204 watts @ 3.26 ohms on your highest power level... yep, you are getting some clipping :)

From 50-60 Hz your clamp is probably most accurate as it was designed for home AC measurements.

IMO... just set the gains by ear - you have a pretty low distortion woofer, you will probably hear the amp clipping when it does.

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I notice somethin today.

Before when i tried to reset the gains with out the use of a bass boost (it was set at half) i just unplugged the remote knob from the cord and went about reseting it. There is a comp today so i plugged it back in just incase i needed to use it, but once i plugged it it and adjusted it to zero. now there is no bass. then i turned it back up to half and unplugged it. and its like there bass boost has a memory of where the remote knob was at even when its unplugged? Is that right?

also its making me think i may have messed up the boost. Like if i set the gain with no boost. and plug in the remote knob with it at half boost, then turn down the remote knob. so now its like i have negative boost. If you can understand my explination.

edit: i played with it again and it seems to just have a memory of where it was. if i turn it down to zero with it unplugged and plug it back in it goes to zero. so no negative boost either. But should it have a memory like that

Edited by fritosaregood

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I notice somethin today.

Before when i tried to reset the gains with out the use of a bass boost (it was set at half) i just unplugged the remote knob from the cord and went about reseting it. There is a comp today so i plugged it back in just incase i needed to use it, but once i plugged it it and adjusted it to zero. now there is no bass. then i turned it back up to half and unplugged it. and its like there bass boost has a memory of where the remote knob was at even when its unplugged? Is that right?

also its making me think i may have messed up the boost. Like if i set the gain with no boost. and plug in the remote knob with it at half boost, then turn down the remote knob. so now its like i have negative boost. If you can understand my explination.

edit: i played with it again and it seems to just have a memory of where it was. if i turn it down to zero with it unplugged and plug it back in it goes to zero. so no negative boost either. But should it have a memory like that

isn't the knob a remote gain knob?

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lol its all good. once you have your gain set plug the knob in with it all the way up and you shouldnt notice a change. The knob isnt ment for you to get louder but for you to be able to turn it down

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most are. sundown and a few other select companies utalize the remote gain knob... in theory it sounds sorta stupid to be able to adjust your gain on the fly but if its a reduction knob like on the sundown it makes perfect sense and honestly could save alot of subs if utilized over a bass boost knob, it just only works as a reduction techinque which shouldn't be an issue in most cases since you would adjust your settings with the "bass boost knob" turned up

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