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i finally made a decision on a sub to go with. im going with a SSA Icon in a ported box, 4cu@33hz and would like some help tuning the amp so i dont tear up another speaker right away. I'm goin to set the gain according to the tutorial on the jl website but need help with the other settings. i already know to leave the bass boost off lol. i mainly need help with the infrasonic filter(infrasonic freq.,"Q",Center freq.) i assume the LP freq should be set at about 80hz correct me if im wrong tho. should the slope be on 12db or 24db, im guessing 24 but could be wrong there too lol. also as far as the lp and hp filters on the head unit do they even have any effect on the amp? thanks in advance for any info. im going to give the sub some break in time before i just all out crank it but wanna get things set right so i dont clip it.

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The infrasonic filter should probably be set around 25 hz. The lowpass is your preference and depending on how good your interior speakers are (how low they can go). 80 hz is a decent starting place, but if your interior speakers are good you can lower that point. As for the slope, that also depends on your interior speakers as well as how the sub sounds with each slope. The high pass and low pass on the head unit may impact the sub amp, it depends what outputs on the head unit you use for the RCAs and which channels the head unit crossovers impact. If it's a lowpass filter for the sub preout and you have the RCAs connected to the sub preout, yes the crossover will affect the sub.

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thanks a bunch. im trying not to fry another sub at all costs lol. sucks being without and sucks more having to buy another sub. my T1 only made it a good month

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Dont feel bad about blowing t1s with that amp. Its a bit more than a thousand watts rms hence the 1000 dollar price tag. Keep in mind that if your bass boost is off the q setting is irelevant.

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If you do decide to run the bass eq on then I recomend running q at 1.1 and center frequency anywhere between 40 and 50 hertz. Alot of fun to play with on the 1000/1v2.

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