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12" Q enclosure

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Hey guys, I'm pretty new to the car audio world, being that I'm only 16. But I have worked all summer and have finally saved up enough for my first system. I want to get a 12" Q and I want to build my own box but I want to get it all planned out before I start ordering everything. I have designed up a ported box that is 25"x20.25"x14.625" and is tuned to 32 Hz and has a net internal volume of 2.2 cubic feet. My question is how much bracing do I need to use and I know that it will reduce the volume, but what will that do to the frequency of the box?

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You souldet need much bracing. you wouldent realy need any bracing as long as the box is made of at least 3/4 mdf. And if I where you I would have a double layer front baffle just to be safe

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Ok cool that makes it easier. I had already planned on doing a double layer front baffle. Thanks a lot.

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