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3.6 cu ft @ 33hz OR 3.9 cu ft @ 32hz

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Hello friends....

today i'll put carpet on my enclosure... but before ,i have just a last question for my box :bump:

In fact i can make it a little bigger .....

actually 3.6 cu ft 33hz and i can go to 3.9cu ft 32hz.. is it a big difference? the low will be best with 3.9 cu? more outputs,SPL ?

i'm waiting your answer...

thanks a lot and have a good day :domoslay:


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Not that big of a difference, i doubt very seriously if you'd notice an audible difference between the two..

If anything the larger inclosure may be a smidge less accurate...but you'd probably only notice it if you had many many listening hours in with the subs...



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thanks NDMstang65....

i can put carpet now and install it in my truck....

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