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Havoc 15 and lows

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Aight... So I used to have a T1 15 and it hit lower songs (such as White Girl, Hood Figga, etc) with authority.

I just hooked up my friend's Fi Q 15 up to my amp (exact same settings) and it hit those lows like my T1 used to...

My problem is that when songs dip into about 29-31 htz, the sub starts moving VERY little and the sounds just kinda poofs. No real BOOM or loudness.

Now this might be dependent upon the box. I tuned it to about 31-32 htz. I played tones and it moves the least at a 31 htz tone, so yeah. I realize that it moves less in this range b/c it is nearing the tuning freq and the sub's beginning to "unload." But why does the volume decrease so much? The box is 3.5 cu ft... Is the box too big/small? could the tuning be to high/low? Just looking for advice. Thanks

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28 htz 24dB/octave...

the T1 and Fi Q were run off the same H/U, amp, settings, etc.

The ONLY variables were the box and sub.

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It should be noticeably quieter at tuning. Not sure what you are asking.

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Perfect. You answered my question.

Basically I am just asking why there is less excursion/volume w/ this woofer. It is obviously because it is tuned differently than the enclosure that the Q and the T1 were in as you pretty much stated. I must have tuned it higher than I thought.

I re-did the math and got about 32 htz for tuning and 3.6 cu ft net.

I did not know that it would be "noticeably quieter" at tuning. Thanks ///M5

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