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Team Sundown Results from Hi Fi Buys Summer Nationals - MECA - 7/13/08

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Todd Mayton (Twisted Mayhem)

Amp(s) - 2 Sundown 1500d's

Sub(s) - 4 T3 Audio Ts 12's

Amateur Street 2 - 145.5 - 1st Place

Jason Drinkard (Twisted Mayhem)

Amp(s) - 1 Sundown 3000d

Sub(s) - 4 T3 TSS10's

Street 2 - 148.7 - 2nd Place

Bryan Mayer (True Bass/Mayer Audio)

Amp(s) - 2 Sundown 3000d's

Sub(s) - 6 True Bass Ultra 10's

Street 4 - 148.00 - 2nd Place (by .1 dB)

Shannon Lee (Twisted Mayhem)

Amp(s) - 4 Sundown 1500d's

Sub(s) - 2 T3 TNSF 18's

Modified 5 - 149.5 - 1st Place

Oran Barkley (Team OSC)

Amp(s) - 4 Sundown 3000d's

Sub(s) - 2 Memphis MOJO 15's

Mod Ex 3 - 148.4 - 1st Place

Congrats to all Sundown Users

Edited by Chris Gregory

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looks to me alot of sandbagging going on.....super good scores


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Bryan Mayer -- is also a member of Team Twisted Mayhem. These scores are very top scores in their classes. Most of these scores are in the top 3 or top of the class. Pulling number's in the (kick and windsheild) are o.k. But try pulling the numbers 20" off of the windsheild and on Fuses at the same time. In USAC and DB DRAG most car's are at 60+ hz's and no fuses. Come play in MECA on FUSES and the 20" Rule at the HEADREST and we are on the TL at that.

Todd -- 70 amps

Jason-- 80 amps

Bryan-- 140 amps

Shannon-- 250 amps

Oran-- unfused ?

Robert Wyatt

Team Twisted Mayhem

Team Sundown Audio

Team T3 Audio

Team Massive Audio

Proud Dad of a MECA Kid

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Cory, I'll be coming to the Oak Grove show on the 27 of month. Maybe we can meet up at that show or at E-town.

Robert Wyatt

Team Twisted Mayhem

Team Sundown Audio

Team T3 Audio

Team Massive Audio

Proud Dad of a MECA Kid

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Cory, I'll be coming to the Oak Grove show on the 27 of month. Maybe we can meet up at that show or at E-town.

I know I am going to all the e-town shows. I know there is one this weekend but it's only a best buy single point. Im going to the one in columbia as well. Gotta get my points for spl.

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