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Sup all. Random question that i should know the answer to but whatever lol. Is having a high amount of watts with your sub and amp always a good thing or if your going for something purely strong and heavy? or if you want quality will you find it with something that has less watts? and if neither then im officially confused lol.

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Power isn't everything. You also have to consider the efficiency of the sub, and the enclosure...having a lot of power doesn't guarantee you'll have lots of SPL, and having a low-powered amp isn't automatically inferior.

If more people knew this, I doubt we'd see anywhere near the amount of "I need a recone" threads that we do.

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ok thanks man, just wanted to check and see if how i thought it work was the way and apparently it is. a lot of people in my area are all about having the most amount of "watts" running through there system, and i always figured that theres more to it then just pumping as much power as possible.

now all i gotta do is keep trying to figure out how everything works, and learn all these terms....Like SPL.....lol

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without the electrical support to run all those watts the power is just going to cause problems. compact and mid size passenger cars probably can't support more than 1-1.5kw without a big 3, H/O alternator and extra battery upgrades. i know firsthand my honda's electrical struggles to power a sundown 1500. also, if you don't understand the terminology; search the forum and start reading, there's a LOT of information to be consumed here if you start looking up what confuses you.

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