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Settings on sundown amps

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I have only used Kicker amps up til now in which I have 2 1500's and the setting are a little confusing to me. Can someone please explain them and what I should have the LPF, Subsonic, and Phase?


Chris Hasbrook

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how were your other amps set?

lpf can be set either on the deck, or amp...usually the same freq your highs are crossed over at...i'd say most people are 80 or lower.

subsonic cuts frequencies lower than that setting - kinda like a high pass filter....if youre using a sealed box, you can turn it all the way down i guess. ported boxes, i'd say at, or a little under tuning. unless you know what you're doing..

phase - leave it at 0 unless youre running some config. where you might get cancellation. single sub, or subs on same plane, you should be good w/ it set at 0

...and since youre asking these questions....the gain is NOT a volume knob

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