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Set up Questions

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I have done some searching around and have not found out what I'm looking for,

I understand the calculation for volts on a DMM to set the gains properly. In my particular case, I have (2) Fi SSD's (800rms/each) and a Sundown SAE-1200vD2 (1200rms). Now what I have been seeing is everyone says to take the lesser of the two then do your calculations for proper volts on the DMM. So, would I use 1200 from the amp or 800 from (1) sub or 1600 for both subs?? Im guessing since my subs can handle 1600 combined, I would then use the 1200 from the amp, which would be 34.64v (dual 1 ohm subs and wired that way). Please clarify for me.

Next question, I have several wiring diagrams for dual 1 ohm subs wiring them together for 1ohm. If my box is sealed with a divider in the middle, can I just wire each sub for 1 ohm and them run the wires to each set of out puts on the amp? Or do I need to wire them together via the outside box terminals, then to 1 set of outputs on the amp?? I figured it would be the same either way. Please clarify

I'm using a Stinger LOC STINGER SGN11 FIXED LINE OUTPUT CONVERTER , I know its not the best, but would it have any negitive effects on SQ or distortion? Also, I took both + and - leads on the LOC and put them together with the left rear speaker. Is this ok? or do I need to seperate them with both rear speakers??

Last thing, I have a Sundown amp (which I already mentioned) what setting do you all recommend? I'm looking for overall output bass, on your best guesstimates, where would the x-over be? Bass EQ and Sub Sonic?? I am going to use a 50hz test tone to get the gain, but a little help with the other would be very helpful.

Any other info that I left out??

This site has been extremely helpful over the last few weeks!!

Thanks in advance!!!

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Wire each of your subs to 2 ohms since you have a dual one subwoofers and send each sub's wire to its own speaker terminals on the amp, the amp will drop the load down:


Usually when doing the DMM method you take the least of the two rms, since your subs are 1600 together and your amp is 1200 then you go with the 1200 rms. If you went with the 800 rms then your subs would only see 400 watts each.

Settings will come down to personal preference:

Bass Boost = Off

Low Pass Filter = 60-80Hz, some go as high as 100Hz but it really depends on where your midbass are crossed at or its a personal preference.

Sub Sonic Filter = 2-5hz below tuning usually to be on the safe side, consider you have a sealed box you really wont bother with it.

Phase = Relative to your system, so play with this after you set your system up (most leave it at zero cause they dont know to much about it). If you like how it sounds at 180 over 0 then leave it at 180 but its what sounds best.

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you can set your gains by ear if you think it is too complicated because you wont need to gain match since you only have 1 amp..... as for wiring series parallel that bitch.

also for setting your bass eq, set it at 0. subsonic depends on you and what you play. since you are putting them in a sealed box with less power than rated you could keep it low or even off-25hz. x over should be set according to how much frequencies you wanna catch. do you have midbass driver??? if not set it at around 65-80hz. hope that helps

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I didnt install any mid bass speakers, only have the stock speakers in the truck doors. So the 60hz - 80hz on the x-over will be ok? Earlier this morning I tried to set the gain by ear and used a 50hz test tone on a cd and did everything accordingly but then when I listen to the radio stations, I found that the bass was not near as loud. I even turned the bass setting all the way up on the (stock) HU.

Another thing that I noticed, is that I can not turn the gain a 1/8 up from 0 before distortion. Is this normal??

What about the LOC?? Could this be an issue? Or is it ok the way I have is wired??

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are you using a high quality loc??? cache cloc-d is a pretty piece. fyi i never encourage people to do systems with locs. not that it cant be properly installed and sound good, its just that i dont believe people should be spending all that money, and not buy a quality receiver.

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wait so your gain is at 0???? you have some problems there.

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wait so your gain is at 0???? you have some problems there.

Its just barely off of 0. Should I be able to turn it up more?? I need a DMM so that I can set it up with that. I have some guys at work that I can borrow one from. I guess I will try that next.

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