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Well, i didnt think this was going to end up happening but i actually saw an Fi BTL N2 18" For $400 in my city. I was previously going to get a 15" Fi Q or BL which was going to cost me $400 shipped anyways so i cant give up this opportunity. Now in the quest for less trunk rattle, i wanted to fire my subwoofers forward into the cabin, BUT i dont have foldable seats. OhJay gave me a good idea. Use external aeroports that go through the rear deck where the 6x9 speakers go. I thought it was a great idea, something a bit different. Now i was wondering if any of you could make it happen. Iv got probably 19 inches maximum of height, probably about 40 inches of width. I know the box will be a bit smaller than a regular or considering the aero ports so hopefully that helps out with it fitting.

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You don't want to guess, please give a depth measurement also. And make sure that you can fit this into your trunk. One last thing, to be even cooler, make a bandpass box ported the same way! Although I don't think you could make it fit!

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Trying to fit an 18" enclosure into a trunk is going to be a project. Good luck!

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Ok so, Measured the full trunk space, Iv got 39" of clearance for my trunk opening at the largest spot. So if you could make it a bit smaller than that it would be nice.. Iv got 33" of depth and Still 19" of height is MAX. 18.5" would be nicer. The 33" of depth puts me a little past the edge of the 6x9 speaker cutouts. So the aero ports would have to be Very close to the back edge of the box. Sub facing towards the back of the trunk would be nice so i can see it whenever i want.

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Ok, so i figured it out i think.. This is my box design i came up with myself.. so if its totally wrong just tell me but i think im pretty close.

So because of the lack of space in a trunk, I was thinking going with 7 cubic feet of box area.

Height = 18"

Depth = 30.5"

Width = 31"

Ill have two 6" Aeroports, each 10.5" long to give me a total 21" of port length which should give me a 32hz tune? (I used the psp calculator, hopefully i did it right)

What do you guys think? Isnt complete with bracing ideas yet but its a rough idea what ill need to do.

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Using 6 in ports each one needs to be 15" long if you have 7 cubes net.

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Well i was close! so Not too bad for my first time^^. Looks like ill be building this box soon.

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Ok now so iv tried to calculate the internal volume and it seems that its bigger than i thought, im guessing that takes into account the displacement of the aero. So now because my port is going to partway out of the box, how will i take that into consideration while calculating? Or will the difference not really matter?

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Ok... so iv just tried to calculate the internal volume of my box again. And... the numbers seem all messed up. Im getting a volume of like... 9 cubic feet? Idk.... Can somebody check my work and see if i did it right or wrong... Because id like to keep the size aero ports that Audibel suggested.

If i did mess up could somebody post correct dimensions to get 7 cubic feet internal volume. Keep in mind the ports will be probably about 4 - 5 inches out of the box so only about 10-11 inches of port will be inside, per aero.

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