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Battery Suggestions?

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Ok. So now im looking for a new battery. My current battery ratings are CA: 650 Amps CCA: 525 Amps. The battery (EverStart) is bad tho.

I dont know If I want a battery that replaces the existing one, or if I shold just get one and put it in my trunk. The battery I have now still starts my car, but in the cold its very close to not starting it.

I want a battery that will start my car fine in the cold, and that will eliminate my voltage drops (Down to 13v from 14.5v voltage drops now when I bump my system) to go with my HO alt (160 Amp).

After thinking about it after writing the majority of this thread, I should get an additional battery, and keep the stock right where it is. It will be less hassle that way. Also, I would prefer (its not a mandatory thing) a sealed battery, not some stupid lead acid battery.

The only problem is, im not willing to spend more then about $100 dollars. Any of your suggestions will be very helpful.


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I would recommend an optima D31M, 1125 CA, that is what I run in my trunk, my cousen also whas one that ran his 150.2DB car for 2 days with no alternator. If you search on ebay you can find them for $190.00 shipped.

:slayer:optima D31M on ebay :slayer:

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Thanks, but thats a little too much money. (like 90 dollars too much)

Would you suggest against buying one used?

Edited by qtipextra

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I'd be happy with only a 1.5v drop, but thats just me.

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I used to have way bad voltage drops, clear down to 9v, but I got a new alt for christmas. I thought that would take care of the problem, but it doesn't. I mean, it did for a month, but now I have voltage drops again. And they keep getting worse.

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Just had the exact same scenario!! About a month ago needed what you you want now! Here's what I did....

First i wrote forums asked around and did what your doing now! SO far so good! Finally after not wanting to spend more than 125 or so I said OPTIMA! So I made a decision. Now what color? Well I want my system to slam and not die on me 2-3 times a day anymore so I did more asking? After car audio says Yellow top CuZ there perferred in Audio comps and what not & I did say I want LOUD but ny mechanic tells me no Yellow cuz they are made to not do the Every day drivin thing alot and only used where you hardly use your car but bump and produce more Crankin amps and heeeba jeeba.... So no yellow top he says if you drive alot! So since I drive my car all the time daily he said has to be Red! Well to make a long story short I listened to him and Bought a RED one! The bigger better red one! Set ya back about 150 right? Nope not me! Never pay retail! Wholesale always! Unless u havent a choice than ya know! But being as I had a "Battery Connection" (friend of a friend) I eneded up gettin a steal on a Brand New Red Top Optima Battery which is designed for every day driving! ALL DAMN DAY! If your ears can take it... Mine can! So for a $100 exactly,(CASH) I did what you want to do!!! & Am Happy as Rainman in a Casino! Red top is awesome by the way! Haven't had to jumpstart my car once since I made the switch! Also no more Dimming lights,etc. etc. and Da trunk is coming off da Trunk!!!! LOUD as heck! Just seems so much better!

N-E-Ways hope everythin pans out 4 ya! GOODLUCK! :ugh2:

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