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2 8" aeros vs 1 12" aero

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Ok so im working on my box and i have the option to do 2 8's or 1-12" aero port for my box. Im not sure which will be the better way to go and i know they equal roughlly the same thing. This is what im looking at.

-2 Soundqubed SDC2.5 15s
-Enclosure will be 8 cubes(4 cubes per sub) @ 40hz either way
-Power for now 1600 rms(will soon be about 3k before rise and voltage drop aiming at 1k per sub)

2 8" Aeros - 100.48 sq inches / 8 cubes = 12.56 sq inches port per cube

1 12" Aero - 113.04 sq inches / 8 cubes = 14.13 sq inches port per cube

The 1 12" will give me alittle more port per cube then the 2 8"s, also ive always seen and been told that less ports are more efficient.


With the 1-12" port i would have 8" on the inside of the box between the port and the back wall of the box, and outside i would have 6 or so inches between the port and the hatch. I have had a few ppl say the 1-12" aero would be fine this way and the 12" is my preference between the 2 just looking for thoughts.


It would be the same as above^ way with 2 8" ports as well.




What do you guys think?


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Optimum port area has NO RELATIONSHIP to the box volume.  This is kind of a bad rule of thumb...


The only way to know if your vent has enough area is to model for Vent Velocity.


"Less ports are more efficent" = Basketballs make good salad dressing


Honestly though, both vent options should not introduce much compression with any 15" drivers, I would go with whatever option fits your build better...

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