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Northern Music & Video's Thunder in the Park Serie

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Wow another successful event! A special thanks got out to all competitors it would be impossible to have these events. A extra special thanks go out to all the competitors that traveled the extra distance.

Team All Your Bass, Team Shattered Dreams, and Adam Metcalf from Trenton, Ontario!

Here are the event results:

Stock 1-160

1. Shawn Robert.......143.7/143.5

2. Chris Sawyer.......138.8/142.4

3. Jeremy Scott.......136.8/138.1

4. Richie McEwen......136.0

Stock 161-260

1. Matt Clark.........145.0/144.4

2. Jamie Carr.........140.3/142.7/142.0

3. TSD Mike...........141.0/140.6/135.8

4. Jeff Dickinson.....136.3/138.5

5. Brandon Beckley....136.9/136.9

6. Brian VanSoyoc.....128.4/130.2

Stock 261+

1. Denny Donoghue.....141.9/147.0/147.7

2. TSD Ramon..........141.1/142.5

Advanced NW 1-360

1. Dustin Graves......138.1/137.8

2. TSD Stephanie......137.7/137.9

Advanced 1-260

1. Adam Metcalf.......138.9/139.7

Advanced 361-720

1. Adam Jones.........135.8/146.8/146.7

Again, I can't tahnk everyone enough for the support! Props to Chris Sawyer, you're gettin closer, Shawn, better watch out someone's close! Matt Clark, wow what a way to come out!! Let's get that thing louder!! Jamie, great job, time for a new box!! Denny, be patient, those amps will do what you need them to do! Team Shattered Dreams.....you guys....and gals ROCK!!!!

Thanks and see everyone at the next event!!!

One last thing....Please keep in mind that if you are planning on going to Finals you need to becaome an official IASCA member. Unfortunatley ASE membership does not constitute membership.

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Here are the where's and when's->

*Where: Colonial Village Fun Park

578 Route 11B, Potsdam NY 13676

*Time: Saturday, August 14th. Registration starts at 10am. Show starts at 11am.

*Information available at Northern Music & Video-(315)265-8100 or www.northernmusicandvideo.com

*Offered classes:

Stock 1-160, Stock 161-260, Stock 261+,

Advanced NW1, Advanced 1-260, Advanced 261-360, Advanced 361-720, Advanced 721+.

*Trophies for all offered classes.

*King of BADA BING Competition!

*$15 fee per competitor. Free to the public.

*Check it out at the Colonial Village Fun Park. Concessions and restrooms available onsite.


:punch: :boxin: :starwars:

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