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Box/Wall Help

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I plan on walling off my 00 Grand Am soon with 2 18XXXs (05 model) and I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I have a couple measurements...

41w x 34d x 34h

That's the external (gross) measurements. I plan on tuning it around 30hz. I was also wondering where to put the port. This will be my semi daily driver (I have 2 vehicles), and I am not looking to hit any high numbers. I want this thing to get loud and low. Also any kind of tips/pictures/diagrams/explanations/ect. for a wall and dancefloor would be greatly appreciated. And yes, I have put some effort into this by reaching out and contacting many people so please do not respond in here if I have already bugged you unless it is with information you haven't told me yet.

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Dance floors are pretty easy. I used the existing seat brackets to secure my dance floor to the car. Then built up from there. Others do it different though, but I found this way to be easy.

Port location...... I'm not too knowledgeable on this stuff except for systems I've heard in person. I like the port in the center, firing between the front seats.

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