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Rolled my car trying to hit an Armadillo.

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talk about darwin trying to step it up

Karma dude, glad your OK but next time you want to be stupid just go into the woods with a sharp stick and find a bear to poke with it. It's much more of a fair fight rather than a 2 ton weapon Vs. a 2 pound animal.

Oh if you try the bear thing make sure to strap a camcorder on your head to follow all of the action. Also let us know where you'll be so I can show up with my GO BEARS jersey.


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Oh if you try the bear thing make sure to strap a camcorder on your head to follow all of the action. Also let us know where you'll be so I can show up with my GO BEARS jersey.


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You guys ask how it could be done? "Do not swerve to hit or miss an animal" is a direct quote from the pre-departure brief given in the missile field to any driver going from one area to another. The cops and maintenance folks would roll a vehicle about once a month doing something stupid. I didn't think it was possible but one of the cops managed to roll a Humvee end-over-end on a road where the speed limit was supposedly 25 MPH.

I went to a defensive driving class on Wednesday , we talked about hitting animals. If it comes in front of you, go ahead and hit it. If its a deer make sure you pick up speed or stay at a constant speed. If you hit your brakes your front of your car goes down and makes you a target for the antellers to kill you by going through the windshield lol. it was funny but he said thats how people die...

what also I didnt know was, whereever you see a sign that says deer crossing or duck crossing that means a person dies there caused by that. They dont just put random signs it takes a fatality to put one. The more you know!

Edited by Megalomaniac

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I'd be more concerned with the 150lb+ deer landing in my lap than just the antlers.

As for the second part, a deer died there, too. You think his buddies are coming back after they saw what happened to him?!? :D

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