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New assassin's sealed?

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I'm revamping my entire setup in my truck, 2007 Ram reg. cab. i've got a DLS A5 amp coming for power which is about 750w @1ohm. The 2 10's would be in a ported downfiring box between the front seats and going all the way to the back wall. The 2 12's would be mounted traditionally behind the seat facing forward, how much airspace would each setup need?

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Looking at about 1 cuft for either application. The 10s would be louder near tuning, but the 12s would be louder below tuning as well as from about 20 Hz above. 750 is more than I recommend to the two subs, but it seems that most people usually put more than recommended with fine results. Just ease into things to find limits before really beating them full tilt (although most with DLS products are a little more SQ oriented and less likely to kill products).



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DLS is likely not going in and one of the new Arc KS900.6 will go in its place. that drops sub power to about 600w @1ohm but gives me 4 channels to bi-amp my new type x components. i've got a new sub from Treo on the way i want to try but if it doesn't work out the pair of 10's will likely go in.

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I was able to cancel the other sub, once i get my money back i will do 2 10's ported in a downfiring console with the port possibly coming out in a L shape and exiting towards the drivers corner. Thoughts?

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Sounds like a solid plan. Id have the port exit towards the front of things if you are firing it down as well. Having them load in the same area too far back as the subs will cause odd cancellations.

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