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What happend and how do i fix it!?

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Ok, so I have a dual 1 Fi BL 15'' in a ported box tuned @ 34 hz. Running it off of a kicker zx1500.1 w/ the gain set a little over half. And a cheap sony deck. I have been running it for about 3 or 4 weeks now and its sounded great! but last night when i turned it on, i was bumpin through town, and it was hitting good, and then i turned it down to say something to my friend, and when i turned it back up, it hit about once and then just stopped...no smoke, no burning nothing. just stopped. i figured one of my connections came out, but i checked all of em and they're good. My amp is still good and all my fuses are good. but it still won't hit! i even took it out of the box to make sure that the connections from the inside of the box to the sub were good. and they are. Any ideas as to what happend and how to fix it?

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When you say gain set to half.. did you just set it to half or did you use a DMM/oscilliscope to set it correctly?

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as a check take the sub out and touch a 9V battery to each voice coil and see if anything happens.

if the dc voltage from the battery does not make the sub move then you must have blown something on the sub be it a lead wire or the voice coil.

another way to check for a burnt out vc is to lightly push on the dircet center of the sub or evenly on both sides to see if you can feel any rubbing or scraping from a loose or blown vc wire as the cone and vc parts move up and down..

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You can send it to FI and they can recone it for you. You should really get a DMM and set your gains with it. Or even better find someone with an oscilliscope.

You don't want to blow the same sub twice. Thats silly.

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not to steal anyones post but where can i get a DMM/oscilliscope from becasue i want to set my gains on my amp properly before a local show on the 24th of this month

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You can get DMM's from home improvement or hardware stores, o'scopes can be found on Ebay or surplus electronics shows. Usually you can find some pretty good deals on them, they can get pricey new depending on the bandwidth/options...

You don't need an oscilloscope to do install work, but they can save time and be a lifesaver when you're troubleshooting circuits. But a DMM is a necessity, you have no business doing anything electrical without one...

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