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platnum accord

WOW... just wow.

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this guy is trying to make like 2500 bucks off this pos lol. http://cgi.ebay.com/Huge-Dodeca-Subwoofer-...1QQcmdZViewItem

whats is this like 200 bucks in wood. maybe 400 bucks in work. and another 100 in electricity to make this. wow. just wow. what are your thought?

i know someone made something close to this on this forum but did it cost them 3 fackin grand?... doubt it.

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That's nutz. And the third line of the discription says:

""This is one of a kind. I will not do another one like it for less than ten thousand dollars""

Yeah, right! Like that's gonna happen!

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i know someone made something close to this on this forum but did it cost them 3 fackin grand?... doubt it.

Since when do people sell things for what they cost to make?


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oh and would that only be 50 subs?

its 100 loaded isobarically :)

EDIT: The links he provides are hilarious, especially this one

Edited by Penguin4x4

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haha. yeah i didnt think of that part and would 100Wrms a sub really be enough. and im sure there is something that would get lower.

the theory is there. but fudge the people next door i want loud.

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look a little more into it..the tool is associated with icix, eDuh, so it's gotta be worth at least $3k.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Look a the pic, "I'm hiding in my empty dodecahedron with my crack bong, and I need you to pay for some expensive dope to fill my bong!"

You will get a goofy sub box with a pile of un-needed small sub drivers (where are they?) and no amps, and if you are not sitting just the right distance from it, it will not even make any bass! Ain't that great? On top of that it has a big rolloff on the bottom you can see in the video of some dork telling you all kinds of stuff that means next to nothing. But it will look cool for sure if you smoke the right stuff in your pipe! Never mind that you could put a real, expensive, respected top of the line huge HT sub in each corner of the room for this price that would blow you out of the room, this one is cooler if you inhale enough! Next week I'll introduce the $5,000 Rubiks Cube subwoofer with 250 4" sub drivers that makes an amazing 80db of serious sound pressure once you hook 10 tripole hexagonal supercharged bionic infrasonic amplifiers to it...(not in included). fing05.gif:drink40:

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Sad man.

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