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magnum 15 in a maxima

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hey guys. been a long time since i've been around. ive got a 15" mag in my max (from the first batch) and i love the way it sounds but im starting to wonder if something is wrong. the mag sits in a 3.2 ft^3 box that donn designed and gave free plans to. its being powered by a memphis mc-1000d and is seeing 1100 watts (or so im thinking, i want to get the amp bench tested). it doesnt seem like im getting the volume that i should be getting in that a ive been rivaled by several JL 15's (W3 and W0). i havent been metered yet. so there are several thing that id like to do and hopefully improve what ive got. my trunk rattles like hell because it isnt deadened but this is in the plans. is this going to have any effect on my volume? im starting to wonder if the enclosure isnt right for my situation because i know that i shouldnt be in the same running with the JL woofers previously mentioned.

so i may make a new enclosure. has anyone ever heard of a memphis amp not putting out full power? i may be able to go louder when it is deadened because it rattles so much.

so im just looking for any ideas at all. i dont have that chest pounding feel like everyone else describes yet then again, i havent been metered so i dont really know where i am at this point. thanks alot guys


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Enclosure is way too small. I know, I just threw my 15 in 3 cubes @30 tonight, just because I had it sitting around. That puppy needs more volume. Time for a larger enclosure.

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thats what i was thinking. its 3.2 at 32 hz. thanks alot. sorry the thread was kinda worded uselessly guys. i was typing it on a laptop somewhere. i think im gonna go sealed....

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It sounds like a setting, or a couple settings, aren't right. If you're being out-SPL'd by W0's something is definately wrong. But yes, that box is too small. Higher tuning, smaller box, than what we recommend (which works), but it's still too small for venting on our 15.

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