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Man i must have gotten used to my Magnum 12s because they are not cutting it for me now. Maybe i just need to stop being lazy and go ahead and get my 180amp alternator installed. Dont get me wrong, the bass still hits amazingly hard, but im used to it. So i keep trying to turn the knob up more and more. Anywayz, i thought about selling my old claw style 12s and use that money plus some to go ahead and get two of the 15s. Only problem with that is, i have a 96 Honda accord. My trunk isnt big at all. And i love ported boxes. Right now my 12s are in a 2cu box tuned to 29hz. And thats basically my whole trunk. Im sure i can squeeze a tad bit more room, but not much at all. Basically i dont know what to do about my bass craving problem. Any of you guys have any opinions for me? If anyone is ever online and have some spare time to talk audio, im on aol and my screen name is Primetime186 I really need some advice for my bass cravings

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Two sealed 15's would do the trick. I know that "by the numbers" it should be even, but you're going to get into a totally different world with the purchase of the 15's. I think the 15's pretty much speak for themselves when I am switching from a 12 to a 15 in the cab of a shoebox-sized car (Del Sol), and my buddy Hoss is probably going to sell his claw 12's to get 3 15's to put in his Taurus if they'll fit. We haven't had a single person say anything negative about the 15's yet. They go lower than the 12's, hit harder, are more efficient, but they do require a lot more room. If you wanted, you could literally fiberglas the basket of the 12's and make a sealed enclosure out if it and barely be in 'trouble' with your Qtc as you only get into problems below .6 cubes each, which is nuts.

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