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Saz 3000

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I was just wonderin when the new production of saz 3000 will be in stock the end of jan or the beginning also is the heatsink gonna look different on them i thought i read that somewhere on here thanks for everyones time

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i think jake changed the style if heatsink, but for the most part it will be tha same from what i understand the V1 and V2 are still stapable and all that good stuff, i know that jake will have some in his hands in jan, but i donno kno when there gonna be for sale,,, im lookin forwerd to it aswell

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People have to remember, their is always the chance for delays.

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ok i was just tryin to get a time frame cause mine is already paid for was just tryin to get a time frame of when i need to get everything else ready for the new amp thanks for all the help

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Yes and yes.

I added a couple more fins on the side, there is a gap there now so I filled it in (minor detail, I know). Then the case is 10mm taller with a bunch of fins UNDER the face of the amp to drastically increase cooling. That is the primary change. The face of the amp is exactly the same.

And yah, I expect them mid January.

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Hey also will a 200 amp alt and a hc2000 battery be enough for this amp

I would prefer an HC2400 if you have only one battery.

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