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15 icon in a sealed box

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I have a couple of ?'s as I am new to ssa audio ..i have a 92 camaro and will be building a sealed box as i have always been more of a SQ guy ..1. does the icon preform well in a sealed box ...2. what are the ideal cubes for a sealed box ..im open for input so any good woofers that preform well in sealed box's feel free to throw your 2 cents in ..thanks guys ill put up some pics when i iron out all the loose ends :) should be fun with all of your help

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SSA has the recommended enclosures listed...although they do very well in larger-than-recommended, lower Qtc alignments as well. The TeamSSA demo Camry has an Icon installed infinite baffle, and it has some of the best subbass I've heard.

There's a bunch of other drivers that do well in sealed enclosures that are around the Icon's price range, as well.

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As Jim mentioned, it does very well in a sealed box. If you can aim for the optimal specs, that will be a great start. Once broken in, you can always add some polyfill if you like to get a little more out of it, or add some slugs to the inside of the box to decrease the internal air space.

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As Jim mentioned, it does very well in a sealed box. If you can aim for the optimal specs, that will be a great start. Once broken in, you can always add some polyfill if you like to get a little more out of it, or add some slugs to the inside of the box to decrease the internal air space.

learnin every day here.... what are "slugs"?

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What Aaron means by that are pieces of MDF, 2x4's, anything that can be secured inside the enclosure to reduce the apparent airspace to the driver and change the Qtc.

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As Jim mentioned, it does very well in a sealed box. If you can aim for the optimal specs, that will be a great start. Once broken in, you can always add some polyfill if you like to get a little more out of it, or add some slugs to the inside of the box to decrease the internal air space.

learnin every day here.... what are "slugs"?

If, for example, have a 15" driver, but have a box that is larger then what is best for that particular 15" (say it is a box from a previous 18" sub and you want to keep it), you can glue in or attach in small blocks of wood that will take up air space inside the box. Ala slug the box. :)

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Jim beat me to it. :)

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aaaahah.. Thank you

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