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Im about to run 2 SS 12" subs and a 2000 watt amp( what kind undecided i would appreciate suggestions). I wanted to know if i should possible upgrade my alternator or any other kind of problem i might have to ensure the sound. Also I have no Idea what kind of box I should build what do yall think? im getting the dual 2 ohm subs so suggestions on boxes are also appreciated.

Thanks in Advance,


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alt upgrades are always good to do, especially if you are going over around 1000 watts, since a cars factory alt only has the power to handle the load of the car out of the factory. no additional loads are considered. an upgraded battery (or more than one) is also a good idea. and 'the big 3'. that should help you keep your power going in the car

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ur lights will dim pretty nice.

You will need to take it for 8 about 8 min spurts of very low listening on the stock alt to keep the front battery charged. Of course, anything longer than 8 minutes is better.

I have a voltmeter on my battery terminal(i own a tC) and sometimes, it wasn't fully charged when i parked but most of the time it was. Usually only time it wasn't is when i was blastin on and off the entire time i was driving.

This is off of a 1,500w amp.

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Awsome thanks a ton for the input found a guy building a 220 watt alternator and got me some 1/0 guage wire kicker hyperflex and now ive changed my speakers to 2 audiobahn 10" Eternal series ill post shots when i done(could be ab it im low on cash jsut switched jobs)

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Awsome thanks a ton for the input found a guy building a 220 watt alternator and got me some 1/0 guage wire kicker hyperflex and now ive changed my speakers to 2 audiobahn 10" Eternal series ill post shots when i done(could be ab it im low on cash jsut switched jobs)

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Sorry haha meant to say im stil buying the 2 sound splinters but im also buying 2 10" eternal, buddies got um for cheap i wanna see if audio bahn has fixed their previous problems

Edited by Coltdiggity989

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no, i still own 2 Audiobahn Eternal 10s ironically from about 3 yrs ago.

I sent each sub 334w of actual metered power, non-clipped and after 47 seconds, one of the subs started to heat up very quickly and now one of the 2 subs sounds loose when it moves a lot.

Conclusion- on music, they were fine but on bass tracks, they fail horribly.

Their power rating of 900wrms is the MAXIMUM recommended amp rated power suggested.

So i would suggest not using anything more than an 1800w amp.

These subs are pretty efficient because it literally takes hardly any power to get them loud, that's good for those low on cash, they just can't take power well.

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